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Violetta's POV:


A week has passed since Billie's flood of confessions to me and the exchange of those important three words. To be honest, our relationship couldn't be going any better.

One thing, or should I say one word, is seeping through my mind though. Tour.

I know I can live without her, I did it quite well before I knew any different, but now that I do, I don't want to be apart from her.

I have a young girl in session at the moment, which is a nice change for me. The only thing is, her Mother insisted on being with her. I wouldn't have an issue, if I didn't think her Mother was the issue. That's going to make it hard to help her.

"So, can you tell me a little bit about why you're here today?" I start, directing my question to the young girl.

"My mom thinks I have an obsession" she says picking at her nails looking down. Her Mother rolls her eyes and scoffs.

Oh? We gonna have a problem? I raise my brow at the older woman.

"Ma'am, is everything okay?" I question her.

"She does have an obsession. It is clear." She replied crossing her arms.

"Whom with?" I ask generalised to them both.

"Billie Eilish" they both say at the same time.

My stomach sinks, but also flutters knowing what an amazing effect she has on people. I clear my throat trying to regain composure.

"Okay" I reply, making a couple of notes on the paper in front of me.

"See, even your Therapist thinks this is weird Abigail" the older woman remarks, throwing her hands in the air.

I see her daughter flinch, and I have had about enough.

"Mrs. Thompson" I start. Wanting to call her out, but I know I can't do that.

"I can assure you, I do not think it is 'weird'" I say using air quotes over the word weird.

"Did you not have someone you liked at your age too?" I question.

She open her mouth and but closes it.

"Exactly" I blandly reply, writing further notes.

"Now that's not fair, I was not obsessed. Things were different back in my day anyway" she huffs.

Here we fucking go, I suppress the urge to roll my eyes.

"How so?" I ask, adjusting my glasses further on my nose.

"Well, for one; I'm sure my parents weren't as scared as me to send their daughter to concerts these days. And two; they don't seem as, I don't know, approachable" her tone raising slightly.

I close my note book and put it on the table in front of me.

"I understand your concern for your daughter, I do" I tell her, standing up from my chair and walking to my desk drawer.

"What would make you feel better about her liking for Miss. Eilish?" I press the question.

"I don't think there is anything" she replied.

Really? I think to myself. We'll see.

"Mrs. Thompson, would you mind if I spoke to Abigail privately now? We will get you back in shortly". I ask, still standing by my desk.

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