First Day Of Kindergarten

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Note : Quirk Ideas! I would really love it if you all could chip in ideas for your quirks! I love including my readers and letting them have their input in this story so I would really love for you to comment your ideas of what your quirks should be! You can comment here or private message me! I will also tag those whose quirks I'll use and think it'll be a great idea! Good luck!

❤️ TodoDeku 💚

Inko didn't know if she could handle today, her heart swelling at the bright smile of her little (Y/n). Her heartstrings couldn't take it! She found it difficult when Izuku started school! How could she cope with this again?

She looks at her granddaughter close to tears, blowing her nose on a handkerchief as she looks toward her adorable little granddaughter in her clothes for her first day of kindergarten. The older woman hugging onto Midoriya's arm, resting her head on his shoulder as she watches her granddaughter pose for the camera. Shoto taking pictures of her posing in her cute little outfit that Enji had bought her. Fanning her eyes to try and stop herself from crying, already knowing that she's going to become a waterfall as soon as her granddaughter leaves the house.

She's just growing up too fast!

Clad in a baby blue dress with a white collar, with soft black tights wrapped around her legs with black shoes hugging her feet, (Y/n) beams up at her two grandparents and her two parents with a giggle. Posing for the camera while Shoto takes countless pictures to share on his social media and with friends, ready to brag about his adorable little girl starting kindergarten to everyone and anyone who will hear him!

"I can't believe she's starting school already!" Inko sobs into her sons shoulder, wiping her eyes with a handkerchief, "She's growing up too fast, Izuku!"

"M — mom, calm down," Izuku says close to tears himself, trying not to break however it was getter harder and harder as time passed. His heart squeezing as she giggles, "Oh my god! She's such a big girl! Mom, why is she so big?! Why can't she stay small?! Wah!"

"Mama!" (Y/n) whines, pouting toward the greenette pair who cry into their handkerchiefs, giggling as Shoto kisses her nose, "Daddy! That tickles!"

"Oh! Before I forget!" Enji speaks up in realisation, walking over to his everyday clothes in his bag and pulls out a small flower clip that Rei gave Fuyumi to give to him to give to (Y/n), "Little present from your Grandma Rei,"

"What is it?" Shoto asks, his eyes widening slightly at the clip as Enji gently pins it into her hair to keep her bangs out of her face, "Where did mom get that?"

"She made it. It's her favourite flower," Enji replies with a smile, kissing (Y/n)'s forehead when its in place, "She frosted it over to preserve it and your sister helped her make it into a hair clip, she thought it'd be a great gift for little (Y/n),"

"Thank you papa!" (Y/n) says, her eyes sparkling as she hugs him giggling, kissing his cheek before looking at the clip in the mirror, "It's so pretty!"

Shoto smiles softly toward his father before checking the time quickly. Nodding toward Izuku, who quickly mops himself up, the greenette kissing his mothers cheek before grabbing his little girls Endeavor backpack (much to Shoto's displeasure) and slinging it over his shoulder. The girl waves toward her two grandparents, blowing them kisses before leaving the house with Izuku and Shoto. Inko's walls break down and she sobs, burying her head into Enji's bulging arm. The red haired male's eyes widening in slight embarrassment, not used to comforting crying woman and awkwardly pats her head. 

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