Movie Night

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❤️ TodoDeku 💚

Izuku smiles to himself as he leans against the kitchen counter, waiting for the popcorn kernels to pop and produce their sweet treat for the evening. The greenette kissing his husband on his cheek as the sweet and buttery smell of popcorn wafts through the kitchen. Their eyes meet for a split second before they share a small kiss, smiling toward each other before they go back to sorting out the snacks that they have in store for this evenings activities.

Every weekend now, the Todoroki - Midoriya family would come together at Shoto's and Izuku's home to have a movie night. Originally, it had been Fuyumi's idea so she could spend more time with her niece and her younger brother but now it had been something that the whole family participated in to see their niece/granddaughter. So now, they had a rota on who would choose their movie for the evening and where it would be hosted.

Tonight, it had been (Y/n)'s turn to choose a movie and it had been Shoto and Izuku's turn to host said movie night.

So here they were, the parents of (Y/n) in the kitchen getting their snacks and treats ready while everyone else is getting comfy. A small chuckle leaves Shoto's lips as he looks into the living room where his daughter is, the little girl giggling to herself as she watches her two uncles arm wrestle on the coffee table. Toya whining to himself as Natsuo (who is much more bulkier than his older brother) manages to slam his hands against the wooden table.

"They're going to break the table," Shoto tells his husband as Izuku pulls out the bag of popcorn from the microwave and pouts it into the bowl with a small smile, "Or it'll burn when one of them uses their quirk,"

"That's why we don't let Toya and your dad arm wrestle anymore," Izuku reminds him as he walks back into the living room and kisses his daughter's cheek as the girl snuggles into her grandfather, "Chosen your movie yet, my little cinder?"

"Mmm..." (Y/n) mumbles as she sits up and look toward the amount of movies available on their streaming sights before puffing her cheeks out and whining, "Maybe uh... maybe..."

"What do you fancy watching?" Enji asks as he runs his fingers through his granddaughters hair, the girl giggling when Enji sticks his tongue out and squeezes her close, "Disney again?"

"Don't influence her!" Toya scolds glaring toward his father making Enjj arch a brow while the girl nods toward Enji, "He's already brainwashed her, Shoto,"

"He's her favourite, so she's going to listen to him," Shoto says with a small smile, sitting down on the loveseat with his husband. The older male smirking toward his brother who grumbles while (Y/n) switches the tv to one of the many Disney movies that she loves to watch, "And dad knows what she loves,"

"Why aren't I your favourite?" Toya asks looking toward his niece who grabs a bowl of popcorn from the table and shares with Enji, "Hm? Uncle Toya's the best,"

"No," (Y/n) says shaking her head making Fuyumi snort and cover her mouth while Natsuo bursts into laughter, "Grandpa's the best,"

"There's something wrong with your child," Toya says looking toward his younger brother who shakes his head and throws a popcorn kernel toward him, "Is she alright in the head?"

"She's fine," Izuku hums glaring toward Toya who bites back a giggle at Izuku. The greenette looking more like a kicked puppy than an angry man, "Now shut up and watch the goddamn movie before I kick you out,"

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