5th Birthday Party

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❤️ TodoDeku 💚

(Y/n) giggles silently to herself as she toddles toward the spare room that holds her grandfather. Tiptoeing toward the room and peeking her head in, grinning ear to ear that he's still asleep. The huge lump in the bed gently rising and falling with his breaths. The hero curled up peacefully, fast asleep. (Y/n) looks up at Shoto who sends her a huge thumbs up and grin, ushering her to wake him up so they could feast on some yummy pancakes!

Or, in other words, Shoto liked to prank his father with his daughter. Get his own back.

The little girl giggles and covers her mouth with a squeak as Enji shifts in his sleep. Worried that she's blown her cover but she grins as he sleeps peacefully yet again. She hums and tiptoes over the floor, avoiding the squeaky floorboards and clambers up onto the bed.

"What are you two —" Izuku begins before being rudely cut off by his daughter and his boyfriend.

"Ssshhh, mama!" (Y/n) whisper yells toward Izuku, sending him an innocent grin as he crosses his arms over his chest and arches a brow toward Shoto who can't help but grin, "Ready daddy?"

"Go for it, firefly," Shoto says giving her a thumbs up making Izuku gawk at him and hit his arm.

(Y/n) squeals and jumps onto Enji's chest, making the hero shoot awake and wheeze. The girl squeals with laughter as Enji gawks at her with wide eyes, still half asleep; before being pulled right out of his sleep when (Y/n) burps out a small wave of fire.

"It's my birthday! Papa! Papa! It's my birthday!" (Y/n) cheers, completely oblivious to the glare Enji sends to his son, Shoto doubling over and laughing, holding the wall for support, "I'm five, papa! Five!"

"Yes, little one," Enji hums sitting up, stretching his arms over his head and kisses her forehead, "Happy birthday,"

(Y/n) giggles happily and snuggles into Enji as he slides out of bed and slides his slippers onto his feet, heading downstairs (not before he flicks Shoto on his forehead). Setting an excited (Y/n) on her seat at the dining table before getting himself a cup of coffee.

"Happy birthday, my little darling!" Inko cheers, kissing her granddaughter on her cheek and sets down a tall stack of pancakes with syrup oozing from the top and sliding down the sides with a lovely knob of butter on top, (Y/n)'s eyes shimmering with excitement, "Enjoy!"

"Woah! That's huge!" (Y/n) gawks, poking the stack with her fork and giggles toward Shoto who tries to steal a bite, "Daddy! It's mine! It's not your birthday yet!"

"Sorry, sweetie, it just looks so yummy," Shoto hums and kisses her cheek making her giggle, snuggling into him as Izuku helps cut it for her, "What do you want to do today, then firefly? Sakura's coming over after lunch,"

"Hmmm..." (Y/n) hums tapping her chin with her fork before her eyes light up and she looks up at Izuku with shimmering eyes, "Mama... can we please go fly across the city?"

"Well, since you asked so nicely," Izuku hums ruffling her hair and kisses her nose, with a smile, "Of course we can,"

(Y/n) cheers and greedily eats up her pancake tower before racing upstairs to get changed. More than excited to go and join Izuku for a little mini patrol. Changing into the mini version of her mother's costume (made by Inko) and giggles as she jumps into Izuku's arms (who's already in his hero costume).

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