Sickness Bugs

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Disclaimer : Mentions of being sick, throwing up and cleaning sick up. If you are uncomfortable reading about those topics or they make you sick yourself or you have a phobia of sick, please do not read! Thank you!
~ Author - chan!

❤️ TodoDeku 💚

Izuku could tell that his daughter wasn't feeling very well as soon as he woke her up this morning. His motherly senses were tingling when he gently shook his daughter awake only for her to whine and try to shield herself from him while she coughed gently. As soon as he peeled back the covers, he knew right then and there that his daughter wasn't going to go to school. There was no way she could.

Call it mother's intuition but seconds later, the girl coughs before racing toward the nearest toilet and emptying the contents of her stomach. Which confirmed the greenette's theory of her being sick. The small burn marks on the bedsheets another good indicator that his daughter was feeling under the weather. Her heightened temperature making her hotter than usual. Making her a walking sauna at this point.

After stripping the bed of the bedsheets, Izuku walks toward the bathroom where his daughter is curled up on the cold tiled floor with a small whimper. The toilet bowl full of sick. The greenette sends his little girl a reassuring smile as he closes the lid and flushes the toilet before pulling her into his chest. The male gathering her into his arms gently, making sure that he didn't jostle her too much as she winces.

Much like Shoto, it was almost rare for (Y/n) to get sick. Her high temperature often fought off pathogens on their own but sometimes the odd stray will manage to worm its way in and cause havoc with her immune system. So whenever she did get sick, Izuku knew that it wasn't something to tiptoe around!

Making sure that his daughter is comfortable, the male makes sure that she's in freshly clean pyjamas before taking her downstairs where Shoto is already making himself at home on the couch. A small smile plays on Izuku's lips as he walks into the living room and clears his throat to catch his husbands attention.

"What happened?" Shoto asks worried, sitting up from his laying position as Izuku walks over with a sick (Y/n), "Is she okay?"

"She's not very well," Izuku explains, the male sets his daughter beside Shoto's right side where she already begins to nestle into for some coolness before clearing his throat, "I need to call the school, just keep an eye on her,"

Nodding gently, Shoto watches as his husband scurries toward the kitchen to make a call while he runs his fingers through his daughters locks. A small chuckle leaving his lips as his daughter leans into his cool arm and clings to him like a baby koala. The girl refusing to let go while Shoto flicks through the channels on the tv.

"Don't feel well..." (Y/n) mumbles, snuggling into her fathers right side as he holds her close and kisses her forehead gently, "Feel sick..."

"It's okay," Shoto soothes gently, rubbing her back as she whines and whimpers. Her stomach painfully twisting as she snuggles, "Mama and I will make you all better, I pinkie promise,"

(Y/n) gently nods softly and whines as Izuku walks in holding a bottle of medicine. Her eyes widening slightly as Izuku pours some into the little spoon and tries to feed it to her making her shake her head and hold onto Shoto as a human shield. The two males chuckling gently between them at how adorable their daughter is being at the moment. Both of them knowing just how difficult their daughter can be when she's under the weather.

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