❤️ TodoDeku 💚Internally screaming at himself, Izuku walks down the street with a slight limp as he walks with Shoto and his little girl to her babysitters house. His ankles aching with a dull pain with each step he took. His knees threatening to buckle under him at any given second. The greenette still recovering from a rather horrendous injury that gave him yet another big scar on his leg.
But he wouldn't let that stop him from having a date night with his boyfriend!
So here they were, heading toward the home of Mirio Togata and Tamaki Amajiki. The two upperclassman of the parents were more than happy to take (Y/n) for the evening while Endeavor had night patrol and Inko was out with All Might. After all, (Y/n) loves baking cupcakes with them and having a food fight in the kitchen. Uncle Mirio and Uncle Tamaki were the best babysitters ever! That was for certain...
Unfortunately, there was no way that (Y/n) would leave her parents side after her mother got hurt. No way! No sir! Not even making cupcakes with Uncle Mirio could deter her. She couldn't leave her mother when he got terribly hurt! What if someone comes after them again?
"Excited to see Uncle Mirio?" Izuku asks, smiling toward his little girl who pouts and shakes her head narrowing her eyes, "Sweetie, come on, I'm okay,"
"You got hurt, mama, I'm not going," she whines, wiggling as Shoto picks her up and kisses her cheek, the girl frowning toward her father who chuckles, "Not funny daddy... don't wanna go..."
"Mama will be okay, we're just going out for dinner and watching a movie," Shoto explains chuckling gently, pulling his daughter close as she snuggles and clings onto his crisp, newly ironed shirt, "We will be back to pick you up, okay? Daddy will keep mama safe,"
"No... I wanna go with you," she mumbles into his neck, holding onto Shoto tightly making him smile warmly toward her and kiss her forehead gently, "Please..."
"I'm sorry honey, but mama and I need to have some time with each other, it won't be for long, I promise," Shoto says, rubbing her back with a hum, letting her cuddle into him, "You'll have fun, I promise,"
Unable to really believe him, (Y/n) looks toward Izuku who sends her a reassuring smile as they arrive at the Togata - Amajiki household. The greenette happily ringing the doorbell. Shoto winces as his daughters grip tightens, the male rubbing her back gently to try and calm her down.
Within seconds, the door opens revealing a tall blonde with a bright smile, his blue eyes shining with happiness as he leans against the doorway to greet his guests. Tamaki in the background, staying by the banister of the stairs to peek at who it is, shyly waving toward the parents and child at their door.
"Hey guys! Here to drop off (Y/n)?" Mirio asks, looking toward the little six year old who's got her father in an iron grip, "Ready to watch movies and make cupcakes, (Y/n)?"
"No," She simply says, hiding her face in Shoto's neck making him chuckle and roll his eyes, "Don't wanna... mama's hurt and I'm staying with them!"
"Don't be silly, baby, come on," Shoto says, trying to pull daughter off but winces as she shrieks and clings onto him making him groan, "Please (Y/n), mama will be okay,"
"Come on, Uncle Tamaki recorded Brave for us, we can come watch it with him," Mirio tried to convince her, rubbing her back as she looks up at him, "Come on, you can play with his hair too,"

Bnha Daughter Scenarios
FanficDo you ever imagine what it would be like if you were the daughter of some of the most amazing bnha couples ever? Well here's your insight into what it would be like to be the child of Katsuki Bakugo, Eijiro Kirishima, Izuku Midoriya, Denki Kaminari...