When You Want Attention/When You're Jealous

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Note : Swearing in KiriBaku. Character mentions from Heroes Rising in TodoBakuDeku

❤️ TodoDeku 💚

(Y/n) was not particularly happy today...

Much to her dismay, her parents sorted out some sort of play date between her and this boy. Someone that her mother knew well. The boy was only a couple years older than her, probably by five years, and he seemed rather moody upon first inspection.

He came into her home with his guardian, one of the Wild Wild Pussycats, holding her hand. A frown on his face as he slips off the red shoes that looked incredibly similar to her mother's ugly red ones. He sported a red cap with two golden spike - shaped horns sticking out of the front which was covered a mop of spiky black hair. Clad in a white buttoned shirt with black shorts. Walking in and instantly pulling (Y/n)'s mother into a tight hug with a lopsided grin.

And (Y/n) did not appreciate that one bit! Only she was allowed to hug her mother like that! No one else was allowed to do that but her! And maybe her daddy too!

The toddler was currently sitting on her fathers lap, cuddling her Endeavor plush close as she watches her mother sit and chat with the boy as if he knew him for years and years. Like old friends catching up. The woman the boy came with was more than happy to set up camp in the kitchen with her grandmother and speak to her about anything and everything. A small pout playing on the little girls lips as she watches her mother hand the young boy a present.

Her mother never gave her presents unless it was her birthday, Christmas or she did something amazing that day! This boy did nothing and he's getting a present! How could Izuku do this to her with a bright grin on his face as the boy in question opens it up?!

(Y/n) was not happy in the slightest. Her little hands holding her Endeavor plush tighter as the boy pulls out some limited edition Deku merch. Something that was still very hard to get. A hoodie decorated the same way as her mother's costume as well as a new action figure that was yet to be released! They were even signed! She wanted that for ages! She even pointed it out to her parents! Why was he getting something that she wanted to much?! She was his daughter! This boy was a stranger!

"(Y/n), do you wanna play with Kota?" Izuku asks, smiling softly as his attention turns to the girl in question, (Y/n)'s only reply was a large raspberry and snuggling into Shoto's chest, "Sweetie, don't be like that, Kota's really nice. You'll love playing with him! You wanna play heroes and villains? Daddy and I can be the villains and you and Kota can be the heroes! Come on, it'll be fun!"

"Don't wanna!" (Y/n) fusses, snuggling as deep as she can into Shoto, who kisses her forehead gently and holds her close, "Don't like him,"

"Well that's not very nice, you haven't even gotten to know him," Izuku hums, brushing her hair out of her face with his signature smile, "Come on,"

"No!" (Y/n) yells, pouting toward Izuku who sighs softly rubbing the back of his head before turning toward the older boy who shrugs gently

"I apologise Kota - Kun... she isn't usually like this," Izuku apologises, smiling softly as he helps Kota into the brand new hoodie, chuckling as Kota puts the hood up to reveal two ears poking out like his original costume, "How about we go play in the garden? Yeah? I think she's just tired,"

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