When You Find Your Favourite Food

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❤️ TodoDeku 💚

Midoriya was nothing but confused as he walked into his home from his daily patrols at the late Sir Nighteye's Agency, his muscles ached, his neck stiff, his legs weak. Mirio really laid in on him earlier, despite losing his quirk the guy was still strong as an ox. The willpower and sheer determination of the older male blew him away. Then having to do more training with All Might and Endeavor combined... it was all just too tiring. Izuku just groaned at the memory of it.

All he wanted to do was cuddle up with his adorable little girl, see what she's been up to with Shoto, have some couple time... maybe even a massage from his loving boyfriend, have a nice meal and go to sleep snuggled to his favourite person, bar his daughter, in the whole world.

Usually, coming home from work, Izuku expected his mother to be in the kitchen, already busying herself at the stove making some katsudon or something for her two sons (Shoto already felt like her other son) while chicken nuggets were cooking away in the oven. However, what he didn't expect, was to find his mother sitting in the arm chair, watching tv with a small smile on her lips, (Y/n) sitting on her lap reading to her about the 'Very Hungry Caterpillar', her little voice sounding out each and every word with Inko helping her out. The green haired woman sends her son a smile as she sees him walk in.

"Hey sweetie, how was work?" Inko asks, giggling as (Y/n) squeals at the sight of her mother

"Mama!" (Y/n) squeals, setting the book down on the arm of the chair before rushing to the greenette, giggling as he scoops her into his arms and kisses her cheek, "Did you kick the bad guys butt?"

"Hey baby, you been a good girl?" Izuku hums, holding her close, ignoring the aches in his arms, not allowing that to stop him from cuddling his little girl, "Work was alright, my whole body kills though... and yes, mama did kick villain butt!"

"Yay!" (Y/n) squeals, giggling as she snuggles into Izuku's neck, holding his neck as she pulls at his hair, "Grandma help me read,"

"That's great," Izuku hums, looking around, tilting his head as he tries to look for his dual quirked boyfriend, pouting as there is no sign, "Where's Sho?"

"Oh, he's in the kitchen, Izuku," Inko explains, smiling softly as she takes (Y/n) off Izuku so he can get out of his hero costume and into some comfy clothes, "Sweet boy, asked if he could make dinner tonight, so I thought why not? Get to spend some time with my little granddaughter,"

"He's cooking dinner?" He asks incredulously, not believing his mother for a second, Shoto was never one to cook dinner let alone for other people, then it sinks in realising that Shoto is only good at cooking one thing, a groan leaving his lips, "Mom! He's gonna cook cold soba!"

Inko rolls her eyes as her son teeters into the kitchen. The greenette staring at his boyfriend as he watches Shoto busying himself in the kitchen, dinner almost ready. He was just adding the finishing touches. The candy cane haired boy sends his boyfriend a smile, kissing him softly as he pulls him close. Izuku giggles gently.

"What made you cook dinner?" Izuku asks, taking his utility belt off and setting it on the kitchen counter with a hum, "You never cook,"

"I think it's time for (Y/n) to try some cold soba," Shoto explains, finishing off garnishing the dish before setting them up at the dining table with a hum, "I taught her how to use chopsticks earlier, I used chopsticks at a young age,"

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