When Someone Tries To Take You

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Note : Contains mentions of attempted kidnapping. Also, swearing in most of the scenarios!

❤️ TodoDeku 💚

Izuku takes a shaky breath as he walks through the town centre, holding onto his little girls hand as they walk through the street. His grip getting that little bit tighter when the centre gets more dense with people. The fear of losing her in public fresh in his mind. His little girl toddling after him with a small giggle as Shoto follows them holding reams and reams of carrier bags full of clothes for his little angel and his beautiful boyfriend. The family going out for a little family day, having a yummy dinner at a restaurant of (Y/n)'s choice and now going shopping for them all.

However, due to losing the girl multiple times whenever they go out, Izuku is constantly looking at his little girl to make sure that she's there. He doesn't want to be an overprotective mother. Kids hurt themselves all the time, he gets that. However, they don't get lost all the time.

And he couldn't bear having her being taken away by anyone...

Going out in public meant it was a higher chance of bumping into trouble. The more chance of having a villain getting their hands on the prized child. The child that is the daughter of two of the most strongest heroes in Japan. The daughter of the new Symbol of Peace. Which only heightened Izuku's fear whenever they went out shopping for groceries or even for clothes and other essentials they need. He couldn't lose their baby girl. Not after how hard he worked to balance caring for her, doing his training regime and becoming one of the heroes that Japan looks up to.

She meant too much to him.

Shoto smiles gently as they pop into another store, watching as Izuku makes a beeline for the All Might merchandise. The greenette searching for any new releases despite the prior number one being retired for nearly six years. Shoto smiling gently as he watches his boyfriend's bright emerald green orbs sparkle with excitement as he points out the ones he has and then debates about getting a second or third action figure of that type. Fanboy was an understatement when it came to Izuku and All Might.

However, while Izuku and Shoto looks over the merchandise. (Y/n) toddles toward the Endeavor merchandise. The little girl holding her plush Endeavor doll close to her chest as she looks over the merchandise, humming to herself as she picks up a rare doll. Her eyes lighting up at the figurine before turning around to show her parents before freezing as she realises she's on her own. Her eyes widening slightly as she whimpers slightly and sets the figurine back down.

"Uh oh..." she murmurs slightly to herself, looking around the store and slowly trying to trace her steps, holding her Endeavor doll close to her chest timidly.

"Are you lost, little girl?" Someone asks looking toward the girl making her freeze up, her words caught in her throat as she holds her Endeavor doll tightly. The stranger walking closer to her making her take a step back.

"Ain't she Deku's kid?" Someone else points out, poking his head out from behind his friend and resting his elbow on the other friends shoulder, "Boss would love us if we bought Deku and Shoto's kid back to base,"

"You're right," The other says with a small chuckle and grabs the girls wrist making her squeak and shake her head. Her throat closing and her heart dropping like a stone in her stomach. Freezing herself to the spot as she's dragged through the store. The male groaning at her, "Come on, don't be so difficult,"

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