When Your Uncle Looks After You

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❤️ TodoDeku 💚

Babysitter : Mirio Togata

A bright smile falls on (Y/n)'s face as she walks out of her classroom at school to spot her sunshine of an uncle. The girl instantly runs and jumps into her uncle's arms, the tall blonde grinning from ear to ear as he scoops her up and kisses her forehead. The male happily holding her close as he spins them around, the girl squealing happily as she clings to her uncle like a baby. The pair happily smiling toward one another as Mirio makes his way to his car.

Every Wednesday, after school, Mirio and (Y/n) get to spend the afternoon with one another due to Shoto and Izuku having to work. Mirio adores his little niece, she was practically like a daughter to him. He always spoils her like mad and he always manages to pull her out of any bad mood that she's in. He is a literal sunshine!

Plus, Mirio is (Y/n)'s favourite uncle ever!

There is never a dull moment with Mirio Togata. They never did anything boring! When it was the winter time, Mirio would take her to the Winter Wonderland in the town centres. During the summer, Mirio would take her to the fairgrounds and the parks. They've even gone canoeing! Mirio letting little (Y/n) live her best childhood. He even takes her out for McDonald's ever week! I mean, he has to be the best uncle ever! It's Mirio.

Today, like every other Wednesday, Mirio made sure that they made the most out of their afternoons. The older blonde had a great plan for the evening, wanting to take (Y/n) bowling! Not only was it to have fun, but it was also there to celebrate something.

(Y/n) getting a gold star for her test!

Giggling happily, (Y/n) buzzes excitedly in her car seat as she looks out the window. The girl anticipating what Mirio could have in store for their Wednesday after noon, the girl was already excited about the takeout that they were getting afterwards.

"Ready for a fun filled afternoon, (Y/n)?" Mirio asks grinning, chuckling as (Y/n) throws her hands in the air and squeals happily, a bright smile on her lips as she nods, "Hell yeah! We're gonna have a blast, aren't we?"

"Yeah!" (Y/n) squeals, clapping her hands as she looks toward her uncle who gives her a thumbs up, "What are we doing today, Uncle Mirio?! What are we gonna do?!"

"We're gonna go..." Mirio begins, pausing for effect making the girl giggle excitedly as she waits for him to continue, her legs shaking excitedly, "Bowling!"

"Yay!" (Y/n) cheers happily, smiling toward him as he parks up at the bowling alley and helps her out the car, "I'm gonna beat your but! I even beat Uncle Kacchan!"

"Yes but Bakugo is bad at bowling, sweetie," Mirio says with a chuckle, paying the receptionist the fee for two games, the little girl giggling, "He always blows up the bowling ball,"

(Y/n) giggles and holds his hand as they head toward their alley after buying her a slushie, Mirio helping her into her bowling shoes while she greedily slurps her drink with a bright smile. Her tongue turning blue already! As Mirio sets up the barriers, (Y/n) giggles at the feeling of the bowling shoes, placing her drink down on the table nearby before skipping after her uncle.

"Can we play now?" (Y/n) asks clapping her hands as she watches Mirio nod, "I wanna go first! Pretty please!"

"Go ahead!" Mirio cheers, hyping the little girl up as she grabs the bowling ball and giggles, "Go on (Y/n)! Let's get a strike!"

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