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That day, very heavy rainfall disturbed the class schedule and most of the classes were cancelled due to very low attendance of the students. Shehnaaz did not take a leave as it was her due date to submit a book in the library and she had a few other works too in the University. It stared raining when she was on the way and when she ultimately reached she was completely drenched . After she came to know about the cancelled classes, she went to the library to submit the book and issue another one.
Water was dripping from her hair, salwar and her dupatta and she was cursing herself as she forgot to take her umbrella. Right then Sidharth just left the library, unconsciously leaving a very expensive pen beside the register book. Shehnaaz picked it up and went behind him to return the pen. She called him twice _ ' Sir, Sir excuse me'.
But he couldn't hear , so didnot respond.
She then called out loudly ' Dr. Shukla, here is your pen '. He turned around and she came running. Sidharth was a little embarrassed and said ' Oh, I forgot. OK thanks ' . He was about to turn back suddenly he noticed that she was all drenched and started sneezing . He asked ' Are you alright ? Don't stay like this for long, otherwise you can fall sick. ' Shehnaaz was a little taken aback and she sneezed again. Then she replied 'Sir, I actually forgot to take my umbrella and I can't go home right now as I have some works to do in the library '. Sidharth thought something for a while and said ' Ok, come with me in the lab, you can get at least a lab coat, you should change because you are already sneezing. ' Shehnaaz could reply for a second, then she nodded and started walking beside him.
He gave her a clean lab coat with full sleeves and told her to return that on the next day. She thanked him and came back to the library.

LOVE SPELL ( an absolutely different sidnaaz fan fiction) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें