LOVE SPELL part 20

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Shehnaaz was not responding at all. Her heartbeat was extremely irregular, blood pressure was falling down rapidly . Even her breathing was highly obstructed.
Sidharth could not leave her side even for a moment. He was standing there by her bed, in the hospital cabin. The doctor who was on duty , requested him to go away but he managed to stay there anyway. She had some minor external injuries too. Her nose , edge of her mouth were bleeding. There were several bleeding cuts on her body but that was not the actual problem. The doctor said
_' Very heavy dosage of morphine has been used . In the worst case it can induce a coma and if not coma, then paralysis . '
Sidharth knew very well exactly how fatal it could be. Because the normal dosage of morphine for medication is 1600 milligrams per day where she has been given at least 10 grams , that is 10,000 milligrams of that narcotic tranquilizer. The doctor took her to the operation theater to perform Nasogastric Tube suction which is a procedure to empty the contents of someone's stomach in an emergency situation. That was the only hope left for them otherwise the morphine could have spread out in her whole body and after that no treatment would help them to save her.
Sidharth alone was sitting in that waiting area, he was not able to figure anything out . His brain was not functioning anymore. He didn't know how many seconds or minutes or hours passed by. He was just sitting there, looking at the operation theater.

He came back to his sense when he saw the doctor coming out. He hurried to him and asked about her condition. The doctor
said _' I think the procedure is successful but she must gain her consciousness within 12 hours. We cannot assure you anything until then. Wait and hope for the best. '
_' Can I meet her for once? I will just see her and come out. ' asked Sidharth.
_' Actually you can stay in her cabin. Kisi close relative saath rehne se patient consciousness jaldi gain kar sakti hain. Stay with her and look after. Best of luck. ' The doctor left and he entered her cabin.

He became numb for a while after seeing her like that. Then he slowly moved towards her bed and put his hand on her forehead. Tears were rolling down uncontrollably and he didn't even wipe that off.
_' I can't lose you baby! I can't let you go. Please don't leave me....... Don't you dare to leave me! You get that ? ' he mourned.
He took her hand in his, caressed her palm with his fingers and kisses that again and again. Then sitting on the chair he placed her hand on his head and ultimately fell asleep .

Sidharth was exhausted and he slept for a longer period than usual. Suddenly he felt like someone is rubbing his head very gently. He immediately got up and looked at her.
She was awake. She was looking straight at him . Sidharth holded her hand caressingly and said _' I knew it, I absolutely knew it!' He kissed on her forehead .
She was looking like a pale wilted rose . But she was safe.
Sidharth asked her how she was feeling. She gave a feeble response that she was feeling better . He was overwhelmed with happiness when he saw her smile. That was such an amazing smile which survived the worst but still succeeded to appear!

* * *
The doctor checked her nerve functions and read all the electronic vital signs monitors. He was quite satisfied with the progress and said
_' Well-done Shehnaaz!Congratulations for your recovery! '
Sidharth asked the doctor for how many days, she would have to live in the hospital . The doctor said, she will be released very soon, only after 48 hours of observation.

Sidharth's mom arrives there after some time. She sat beside her bed and said_' Don't worry beta, you are absolutely fine. You are such a strong girl, I'm so proud of you! '

shehnaaz was not saying anything to anyone until then but she suddenly starts weeping badly holding her hands. She was somehow reminded about the heinous acts that happened with her last night and being restless she started breathing heavily . But Sidharth pacified her really quick taking her in his embrace . He made her fall asleep and laid her down on the bed.

He couldn't thank God more for his mercy and abundance.

LOVE SPELL ( an absolutely different sidnaaz fan fiction) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें