Diversity (NehpetsEnal)

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Shadow turns away from Brandy and makes her way to the backroom, on opening the door her frustration at her sister's self-isolation, melts away like butter on warm toast.

Shadow turns away from Brandy and makes her way to the backroom, on opening the door her frustration at her sister's self-isolation, melts away like butter on warm toast

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The sight of her normally rock-hard sister lovingly tending her lover's wounds brought streams of instant tears to her eyes.

Petra turns with a startled look at the sight of her twin sister, standing in the doorway, with rolling down her cheeks, the return of emotion was spontaneous, for the first time without thought she'd responded to the unseen family bond, that Denver constantly prattled on about.

She virtually leaped from the ground, taking Shadow in a bear hug, who had had hugs from weaker men, it fair took her breath away, but the compassion they shared was beyond either's expectations. Petra was not one prone to tears, but today was a rare exception and tears that looked like shiny droplets of steel, complimented the Iron Lady.

After timeless moments tears and hugs came a flow of questions.

"Shadow, but how did you find me?"

"I won't pretend it was easy, but there's more than one way to skin a cat."

"I found you before without the use of my senses, in comparison, this was a doddle."

"If it wasn't for the wind we would have been here sooner."

"We, did you say we?"

"Yes, I came here with Brett, the pretty boy."

She laughed and Petra cried some more.

To the sound of laughter Brett appeared in the door, and they laughed some more at the sight of the dust line, left across his pretty face by the now removed bandana. He didn't know what could be so funny, but the sight of the girls, brought a smile and then laughter to his face and they all join in a group hug and share kisses.

 He didn't know what could be so funny, but the sight of the girls, brought a smile and then laughter to his face and they all join in a group hug and share kisses

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Shadow's face became more serious.

Dad, Mum, Bart, and Annie are here too, they formed their own posse and after a merry dance they found we were heading north and gave chase, they now have Big Pool surrounded, but they too are pinned down, it's a stalemate, no one is getting in or out of this shantytown.

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