The Great Escape (crazyp01 and MysteriousDryad)

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The Great Escape

I woke up feeling dizzy

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I woke up feeling dizzy

Not knowing where I am.

My stomach twirled sickly

I wanted to hurl on the floor.

The room felt familiar

A hazy shadow from the past

My head hurt from the fall

A nasty bump had grown.

My hands were bound

So were my feet

A gag tied tightly over my mouth

Preventing me from making a sound.

I tried to listen

But heard not a sound

Painfully I drifted back

To dreaming about BG town.

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Hands tied not so tight

a little friction, soon loose

My feet the same,

meeting the same fate

I was free, CG was next,

try to escape and get back home,

no idea where we are,

an old house it seems

The newspaper lady's hands

tightly bound, a knot very complex,

would take time to untie her

A broken kitchen knife, I soon found,

helped in getting her free,

not as sharp but better than bare hands

Hoping Ewell won't check on us,

tied up again, we would be.

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