summer time flies-bronny :)

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It was finally time. Camp. The time you'd been waiting for since school was out. Not only was it insanely fun and exiting, but your crush, Bronny was one of the cabin leaders. You had to ignore the bugs and gross bathrooms but besides that, it was super fun. "Y/n, are you ready?" Your mom yelled at you from the bottom of the stair case. "Yep, I just gotta pee!" You yelled back. Two hour rides were not to be messed with. Once you finished your business you quickly ran down the stairs, past your mom, straight to the car. You opened the trunk and loaded your suitcase. You sat in the passenger seat and buckled up. Your mom sat in the drivers seat and inserted the keys. "Are you exited honey?" She asked. You nodded your head. You were going to camp with your two best friends, Mimi and Reni. Even though you were a little old (16).

The drive was long. The whole ride you were staring out the window as you passed the big forest trees. You smiled as you realized you were approaching the camp. "We made it!" Your mom yelled as you pulled into the camp parking lot. You inhaled. "A week of only fresh air... and bug spray." You giggled. Your mom brought your suitcase to the cabin you were staying in. You were talking with Mimi and Reni. "Oh my gosh I'm so freaking exited guys!" Mimi said. "Heyyyy, y/n, Bronny is one of the cabin leaders right?" You blushed at what Reni had said. "Uh... is she?" You replied. Your face was a deep red. You knew him from school but never really talked. After all, he was three years older than you. It was really awkward. Although he'd wave to you sometimes. "Oh don't act stupid, you're the one who told us!" Mimi said. "Guys I know! Don't make it obvious." They giggled. Soon it was time for dinner. You still hadn't seen Bronny but you hoped to see him at dinner.

The big bell rang, telling everyone it was time for dinner. Your cabin began to walk together towards the cafeteria. You stood in line until they told you to go in. The big cafeteria building was surrounded by big trees. "So, what do you think is on the menu today for food?" Reni asked you two. "Dunno." You said as you backed up. A girl stood on a rock. She cupped her mouth with her hands. She was one of the staff. "Everyone, please go in SINGLE FILE!" She yelled. Although the single file part didn't really work, you all made it into the cafeteria. You sat down with your cabin in between Mimi and Reni. Soon enough they called your cabin to go get food. After you got your hamburger, you began heading back to your table when all of a sudden you ran into a tall boy. Your food immediately crashing into your white t-shirt. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" The masculine voice said. "It- it's fine." You replied trying to be nice. 'NOT MY WHITE T-SHIRT' You thought. You looked up. Bronny. Cliché, a little cliché. "Here, let me help." He said bringing you towards the washroom. Your shirt was stained with ketchup and mustard. You sighed. "It's my fault. I'm really clumsy." You said, bright red. He looks up at you. You were mesmerized by his incredibly chocolate brown eyes. You realized you were staring and quickly looked at the floor. He wet some paper towel and began to dab at the stain. You giggled. "What's so funny?" He asked you. "I like how you're dabbing it instead of rubbing." He chuckled. "My mum told me rubbing just makes it worse." You smiled. 'He's so cute, I just wanna kiss him. GAHHHH!' You thought. Silence was approaching. Then, Bronny spoke. "Do you like camp?" He asked me. "Hmmm no I don't." He frowns. "Ehem, would I be here if I didn't?" His cute lil smile returns. "I guess you wouldn't..." I laugh. Suddenly it became silent. Really silent. Awkward. He broke the silence. "Do you like pie? -raspberry pie?" He asked you. Your smile grew. "Yes! Why? Are we having pie?" You said. He chuckled. "Yeah we are.... Don't tell anyone else!" He stuck out his pinky finger. You looked at it, confused. His face was serious. He stared right at you. His eyes locked on yours. "Pinky promise?" He looked at you, almost like a puppy. You felt a spark when your fingers linked. "Pinky promise." You replied. You two were sitting on the floor in the back of the cafeteria washroom. He stood up. "We should head back." He said, standing up. He helped you up. You began to walk back when a hand pulled you back. You turned around, startled. "Oh, you probably won't want to go back like that." Bronny said. You looked at your yellow and red stained shirt. "Are you kidding? This is the new style!" You told him, joking obviously. He laughed. He began pulling his sweater off, pulling his shirt up just enough to see his abs. You blushed slightly. He handed you his grey hoodie.

"Here you go." You slipped it on over your white- now yellow and red t-shirt. "Thanks." You say, walking back to your table. You sit beside Mimi and Reni and blush a deep red, making sure not to make eye contact. Although, it didn't last long. You usually told them everything. "Y/n, what happened this time?" Mimi asked. You look down, smiling. "Oh nothing..." You reply. Reni rolls her eyes. "Then where'd you get that sweater?!" She asks at you, almost yelling. "Okay! Okay!" You throw your hands up, telling them everything. Mimi was giggling while Reni was staring at you, listening to every word you told her. "And that's what happened." You finished. "... Are you sure there was no making out?" Mimi asks you. You face palm. "Chill, I'm not at that point yet." They laugh. You ate dessert (raspberry pie which you didn't tell anyone) and returned. Later, after the whole cabin got set up, (you had the top bunk with Mimi on the bottom and Reni on the bunk beside yours) it was time for hot chocolate, which led to the camp fire; aka your favorite part of the day. After you quickly got your hot chocolate, still wearing Bronny's baggy hoodie you made your way towards the big camp fire. The fire pit had wood bleachers surrounding the pit for the fire in the middle. You were standing in the order of you, Mimi and Reni. You stood there, cozy as ever, drinking your hot chocolate. Without knowing, it was a little too hot for your tongue. You sipped it, burning your tongue. "Gah! Hot! Hot!" You sighed. Your two friends were giggling at you like crazy. Until they stopped giggling and stared right behind you. You looked at their smiling faces. There was a tall body shadowing over you. You turned around to see Bronny. He smiled at you. "Hi." "Hi."

He looked at the hoodie. You began to take it off; he grabbed your hand to stop you. "No, it looks better on you than it ever has on me." He told you. You smiled. "That's a lie but I can deal with it." You said. He gave you a cheeky smirk. It was all great until Mimi nudged you, causing you to blush. (Real quick note, at my summer camps we sang a whole bunch of songs so yeah.) They began to sing tons of upbeat songs around the camp fire. Later, when the fireflies came out and the stars were shining bright, they began to mellow it down. Singing slow, beautiful songs with an acoustic guitar. "Alright I need you all to get a partner for this song." The guy singing the songs says. You look over towards your two friends, while realizing they were already partners. You look at the wooden bleacher floor. You stood there awkwardly with no partner. An arm linked with yours as you two began dancing together. You smiled as you looked at the angelic face in front of yours. Bronmy. He smiled at you. A big smiley smile that made your heart melt. You swore it skipped a beat. "Hey." "Hi." As they began to sing the song, you two did the actions together. Silly, they were. But you loved it anyway. Every second of it. Your eyes were locked together. 'Here it comes, we're gonna kiss I know it!' You thought. Just kidding. It didn't happen. Not there at least. After the camp fire all the groups of people left to go back to their cabins. You stayed. Why? Cause you were nowhere near tired.

You never got to fully appreciate how beautiful nature could be. You sat on the bench, staring at the stars. In your own little world. Someone sat next to you. You already knew who it was so you didn't bother looking at him. It was quiet. The good quiet. The one where you don't want to break the silence because it's too beautiful. But you, being the derp you are, ruined it. "I like you." You said. It slipped out. You didn't mean to say it. You immediately looked at his face, worried, searching for answers. He was quiet. He stared at you. 'Why did I say that?' 'Why?' Was all you could think. Until, he kissed you. You didn't even move. But you kissed back. You were shocked. He leaned back, breaking the kiss. "I guess I like you too." He replied. And the night was shared with little kisses and small talks. Even though the rest of the week you couldn't do any of that because it was against the rules. So he'd wink at you as you walked by, and you'd wave as he'd walk by. Swapping hellos throughout the week at the camp that made your dream come true. After camp, well, you can guess what happened

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