basktball game- josh christopher :)

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Why! Why you! You thought to yourself. Your mom always dragged you to these stupid dumb basketball games every week. The reason you may ask. Your mom was best friends with this women. Who had a son, who played basketball. You guys didn't even go to the same school. So why would she make you go? Every time you do see him, his face turns flush red. And mumbles the word hi. Sometimes if it's a good day, he'll talk about the weather. But you wouldn't blame him. You were as shy as him. His older brother would tease you guys, saying one day josh will marry you one day. You have no idea how to respond to that at all.

So you just laugh at hi and say what a funny brother you have, then he would just turn completely red. This would happen every time you and your mom would come over to have dinner with them. After that he'd run upstairs to his room, while you were left with his brother, play wrestling. Well here you were about to enter a new school. You finally enter the gym. So many people are all ready seated, but you spot josh's mom and his brother sitting down. His mom is talking to josh. It looks like a pep talk. Why oh why do I have to be here. You say to yourself. You don't know why you were so nervous, you just were. "Hey!" Says your mom to his mom, they start conversing instantly. While you just stand there quietly playing with your finger nails. josh finally looks at you with a half smile." Hey." He says. "Hi." You say back. "I'm glad you came."

How do you respond to that, you think to yourself. You just smile at him genuinely. The game is about to start, so josh goes with the team. They start playing and the games goes on and on.


They win of course, by 3 points. The crowd goes wild. You weren't paying attention 100 percent of the game because josh's little sister kept bugging you. But you didn't mind. She was adorable. Your mom and his mom went to go talk to the other parents. His brother ran to josh in an instant to give him a hug. So you were left alone. Finally. But not for long. "Ew, josh's smelly and sticky." His little sister scrunches her nose. "Here, do you mind watching her." He says. Without an answer, he goes with his friends having a blast. Even a girl who was a cheerleader was trying to join in as well. You stared at them jealous. Why were you jealous. Because he'd rather hang out with them, and leave his crummy little sister.

Timeskip~~~ 45 minutes...

It's been 45 minutes. And he has not returned. About 10 minutes in, josh and his friends left to go out the main entrance. Your guy's mom's finally came back. josh's mom looked furious. "Where is he?" She kept repeating and repeating. She called his cell a couple of times. His brother turned to you." I'm going to my friends house today for a sleepover." He says proudly for the 80th time.

josh's brother ends up leaving with a different family for a sleepover, with a quick kiss from her mom, she's off. After 10 minutes. josh finally comes back. "Come here for a second." She pulls josh a little further from the bleachers, but it doesn't help because you can still here half there conversation." Where were you?!" "I went to take a shower." He says. "For 50 minutes?" He goes silent after that. "You left, y/n with your brother for 50 minutes, after the game you could of stayed with her before we came, or could of taken a shower for 5 minutes. Your coach told me, you only get that amount of time." After that statement, josh looked at you. You looked down at your lap. Oh no. You thought to yourself. He's going to think I ratted on him. The rest of the conversation you couldn't hear it and you didn't want to hear it. You guys all head to your mom's car because they took the bus to get here. Your mom and his mom start having there own conversation, remember the good times. You sat there, looking out the window. While he just stared at you, but you wouldn't turn around.

"Y/n." He says. "What?" You mumble back. "I'm sorry that I left you with my brother for an hour." He grabs your hand, which was on your lap steadily. You glance down at your conjoined hands. What's going on? You thought to yourself with blush coming in your cheeks. "It's whatever." "No it's not. I'm sorry I did that. The only reason why I did that was because I'm really awkward and it's hard to talk to you." "How is it hard to talk to me?" You turn to him. "Because your so pretty, and I don't want you to think I'm weird." You blush more so at his compliment." I'm not pretty." You look forward at the seat in front of you. "Yes you are." He takes his other hand and forces your face to face him, his hand still lingers with touch, but he puts it down. You just smile at him. He smiles right back, and after awhile you put your head on his shoulder while he puts his head on yours while your hands intertwine.

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