horror nights-dior ;)

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It was Friday night. My boyfriend, Dior, thought it would be smart to watch a horror movie since my parents went out of town for some reason.  I'm not too fond about horror movies. Because usually when I watch a trailer on a scary movie I can't sleep for a week.  So yeah, I don't really looovvveee horror movies.  But can ya blame me? Anyway, he chose insidious. Not really the best choice, but why would he take my opinion? Boys... He set it up on the tv across from the end of my bed so that we could just sleep after it was done.  We sat beside each other under the blankets. The sad thing was I don't have a remote for the tv so we have to use the tv to turn the movie on. (I lost it ok?) Dior got some popcorn and we were finally ready.

Halfway through the movie Dior fell asleep. It was right before the scary part so I sat all alone with the popcorn.  A jump scare came, making me pretty much hop to the ceiling, spilling my popcorn.  It landed all over Dior.  "Shoot." I said to myself. I began to pick the kernels off his face.  I mentally face palmed. Suddenly, I hear a noise from the kitchen and shriek, causing Dior to groan and wake up.  The movie was still playing in the background.  "Dior, I think there's someone inside..." You tell him. 

He scoffs. "You're just crazy." Then your door creaks open slowly as I scream again and cover myself with my duvet.  Dior wraps his arms around you and joins you under the covers.  "No! Dior you're supposed to protect me!"  "How about we both hide and hope it-" The lights click on.  "Y/n? What are you doing?" Uh oh. It wasn't a monster or creepy psychopath murderer, but your mom.  I peek my eyes out of the duvet and give her a small smile.  "Oh... Mom, weren't you out of town?" She looks at Dior who is still under the duvet "Dior, come out. I know it's you." He sits against the back board and sighs.  "Hi Mrs. Y/l/n..." He greets her, obviously uncomfortable. "Hi Dior. Now, y/n, we aren't going to Vancouver till next week! I just went to the supermarket." Dior glares at you.  "But now I know you need a babysitter because obviously your brother wouldn't take care of you." Your mom says.  "Gaaahhhh mom I'm fine." You reassure her.  She rolls her eyes.  "Whatever. I'm going to bed. Oh and you're grounded!" She tells you.  "Noooo!"

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