true- jordan pope :)

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You were ashamed of the person you were.

People had called you a whore wherever you went and you hated it.

People said the only reason you had a lot of money is because you stole from the guys you slept with. It wasn't true at all. You were in several famous movies and you were getting bigger and bigger roles offered to you by your agent.

But people were hating on you a lot now because of your new boyfriend, Jordan Pope

. So many of his fans kept messaging you on Instagram and Twitter, bashing you for taking this

"innocent and pure boy and using him and all his talent."

Things were different though. You felt warm and safe with Jordan. He actually cared for you and was very kind. He made you laugh and he made you smile. He was always there for you whenever people were dragging you down.

Your other boyfriends just told you to suck it up and just block them.

Jordan was different.

He was better and just so...loving. He took things slow with you and didn't want to rush things. He made sure whenever the two of you were doing it, he would always make sure you were okay and that he was never hurting you.

You could never stop thinking about him. He would never talk to you about your boyfriends, until today.

"Y/N, how many other guys have you been with?" He asks from the master bath while you laid on the bed.

You don't answer.

Jordan walks into the room, shirtless and in sweatpants.

"(Y/N)?" You shake your head and start to hide underneath the covers.

Jordan climbs into the bed and pulls the covers down from your face.

"Babe, please tell me. People have been telling me you're cheating on me and I just want to hear the truth from you."

You stare into his brown eyes, your hands holding his.

"I am not cheating on you, Jordan. I'm not seeing anyone else because you're different from everyone else. You're so kind to me and you can see past my old self."

Jordan's cheeks turn red, but he frowns.

"But what about all the other guys? Have they touched you like I do? Or am I not good enough? I want you to talk to me please. I want to know about your past so I know if I'm worth your time."

You bite your lip, tears forming in your eyes.

"Jordan I think I'm the one not worth your time. People are always attacking us because of me. And Jordan, whenever I'm with you, I feel so safe. I feel like you're the best thing that's ever happened to me and I'm the worst things that's happened to you."

"Y/N that is not true at all." Jordan says in a kind tone.

"Yes it is and you know it! I have been with so many other men that people think I'm a whore. People think I've ruined you and I've tainted your career, your image!" You shout.

Jordan cups your face in his hand as you begin to cry.

He says, "Y/N, please don't get worked up about this. I love you too much to see you like this. I just wanted to--" Your eyebrows rise. " love me?" Jordan smiles.

"Yes, I love you. No matter what the people say. I trust you and I don't care about

"who you were before" and whatever. You're different. You're the most amazing woman in the world and I am so lucky to have you in my life. I love you, (Y/N)."

"I-I love you too." You smile back.

That was the first time the two of you told one another you loved each other. Jordan's fans got over your past when you began to grow as a star on your own and your relationship with Jordan grew over the years. Jordan was the other half you had been missing and you only had to show him your true colors to make it last forever.

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