i win- jaygup:)

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The game-engrossed female sits on the couch with her headset on the highest volume and a controller clutched tightly in her hands.

Her eyes frantically searching the screen for any threats that could make her lose her winning streak. When a voice comes across her headset, she smirks and takes a sip of her Coke.

  "Y/N," The voice starts before the connection breaks a little with static.

"Surrender now before I ruin your little lucky winning streak."  Y/N chocks on her drink at the voice's narcissistic words before she regains her breath and begins to talk to the cocky male.

"You do realize I have a winning streak for a reason right sweetie? Would you like me to show you how I earned it?"  She hears a laugh register from the other guy's mic as he cracks up at her witty comeback.

Y/N skillfully looks around the battlefield with her trained on anything that moves or resembles a player. She smirks as a player appears in her vision as the voice from earlier is heard in her ears again. 

"Y/N, how are you so good at hiding?" The voice asks, taunting the skilled female as she watches him turn in a circle looking for her character.

She hums into her mic before her scope locks in on his player's figure.

She pulls the trigger and watches as the player falls.

A squeal of surprise is heard as Y/N laughs at the male's surprisingly high scream.

"I win sucker!" Y/N laughs as jumping up and slamming her controller onto the couch.

"Now, what were you saying about ruining my winning streak?" Y/N taunts as the winning screen appears on her TV along with her accomplishments.

A loud sigh comes over her headset as the male yells at himself for losing to a girl. Y/N takes another sip of her soda when a thought strikes her mind.

"Hey, what's your name?" Y/N asks leaning forward and staring at the username of the boy who she is communicating with.

A deep laugh resonates from the male's side of the com as he answers, "My name is Josh, sweetheart."  Y/N rolls her eyes, even though he can't see her, because of his flirty attitude.

She waits patiently for the next game to began and secretly hopes that Josh will be in her next game. She smiles when she sees the same username in the game along with a team request by the man himself.

She denies the request and giggles as she hears him gasp. 

"Did you just deny my team request?" Josh asks with mock hurt in his voice that anyone could detect without any trouble.

  Y/N hums as a wide smile lights up her face. Even though Josh can't see her, she still feels that her emotions are displayed through her actions/expressions. S

he taps her finger against the controller as the map load the player spawns.  She waits for the spawn and as they do, she immediately spots his character, but doesn't shoot him, but instead watches him run around the perimeter of the building. Y/N can't help but let a laugh escape her mouth as she notices him running in circles.

"Where are you Y/N? I know you're around here somewhere?" Josh taunts continuing to run in circles. 

Y/N giggles and makes her character visible to Josh.

"I'm right here, idiot. Now, tell me why I shouldn't shoot you right now?"

                                *TIME SKIP*

"So," The interviewer asks shoving the microphone into Josh and Y/N's face.

"How did you two lovebirds meet?"  Josh and Y/N share a knowing smile with humor swimming in their eyes.

"We actually met through a video game. I destroyed him because he was trash and made him tell a fact about his life each time I beat him." Y/N explains laughing. 

The interviewer laughs at the adorable couple as they hug each other.

"So Josh, how good was Y/N at this game?"   Josh sighs before turning to look at Y/N with a loving smile on his handsome face.

"She was a goddess. I mean, whenever I thought I had the upper hand, she beat me."  Y/N laughs at Josh's defeated pout and pokes his cheek.

"If I wouldn't have beat you, we wouldn't have met." 

"Tell me how that was arranged." The interview questions pushing the microphone back towards the couple. 

"Well, after she beat me multiple times, we began to get to know each other. We gave each other our phone numbers, we began to text, then FaceTime, from there we arranged meetings, and we eventually
became a couple. It was a lot of work balancing both our lives, but we made it work." Josh explains sending a dashing smile, that makes all the ladies swoon, toward the camera.

"Yeah, to be honest, he was a little too easy to beat." Y/N comments making Josh push to the side playfully. 

Josh smirks and wraps his arms around Y/N and pulls her into a hug. He pushes Y/N against his chest, so she can't say what he mouths to the interviewer.

'I let her win.'

The interviewer laughs as Y/N pushes Josh away with a pout. The interviewer leaves the two lovebirds to interview more people.

"I have a love/hate relationship with you. I love you because there's a promise ring on your finger, but I hate you because you're so much better at gaming than me." Josh says pulling Y/N toward him and planting a sweet kiss on her forehead. 

"I love you too Josh." Y/N replies with an eye roll.

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