tickle warrrr-shaqir :)

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It's a quiet night at home. Shareef's out with a couple of mates so it's just me and Shaqir in the apartment. Along with Rosco, of course. The brown German Shepard is peacefully cuddled up to my side on one the white sofa as I flick through some old photos on my phone, re-living a couple of the memories in my head which bring a few smiles to my face. I don't notice it at first. Call me oblivious but when I'm on my phone, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have noticed an elephant stopping through the front door. Hence why I don't see him coming. So when something slips loosely around my neck, I freak out. Big time. 'WHAT THE--' 'Jesus! Calm down, Y/N , it's only me.' Shaqir says quickly, retracting his arms from his attempted hug and coming around the sofa.

'What did you think I was? A burglar?' 'Could have fooled me.' I shoot back, finally regaining whatever wits I still have so I can roll my eyes at Shaqir's playful laugh. The brown-haired boy just sits on the opposite side of me that Rosco is now wiggling around on so he can slip an arm around my shoulders. 'I guess I will ask you if I can get a hug without being screamed at next time.' Shaqir smirks and I give him a gentle swat of my hand at him, a small laugh escaping me. I look back at my phone with Shaqir beside me and, for a while, we scroll through some photos together that never fail to make either me or Shaqir laugh. For example, there's the photo of Bronny looking like he's seen a ghost when Shaqir had sprung a surprise visit on him.

There's another where Rosco had manage to poke her little nose into the hole of some toilet roll and she's blinking up at the camera with what can only be described as a proud grin. It truly is the little things that make me smile. But then we swipe onto some adorable photos of none other than baby Shaqir. The person in question also happens to glance at my phone at that exact moment before he lets out a small protest. 'Ah! No, no, no you don't want to look at that!' He whines, trying to quickly swipe my phone. 'UMMMMM, no!' I crow and, as quick as possible, I leap out of harm's way to my feet so I'm facing the sofa with a whiny Shaqir looking horrified. 'You want it? Well you'll have to catch it!' I almost shriek, a grin appearing on my face like a naughty kid.

'Seriously?! What are you: five?' Shaqir splutters, waving his hands at me in mild confusion. But I should have been more prepared because we both know that Shaqir is a child at heart too. So when I take a tiny tempting step forwards, I'm taken off guard when he suddenly reaches for me. My reaction time doesn't allow me to draw back quick enough before I'm suddenly engulfed in the worst attack anyone could ever undergo: A tickle attack. 'StoOoOoP!' I giggle, shrieking with laughter as Shaqir just laughs and tickles my waist, pulling me annoyingly close.

Damn my weak spot. I find myself tackled onto the sofa again with a rather annoyed Rosco barking at us in confusion, as if she's not quite sure whether Shaqir is actually torturing me. But I see her waddle away and all hope of winning this is taken away from me. After a few more agonisingly ticklish seconds later, I give in and let go of my phone, sending it flying onto a pillow as I try to brace myself from the tickles, laughing all the same. Eventually, Shaqir manages to pin down both of my arms under his hands, grinning at his easy win whilst I finally take back the chance to breathe. 'Screw you, Shaqir!' 'Well you can if you want.'

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