happy new years-jaygupp;)

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it wasn't necessarily a big party. just one of those neighbourhood parties, which is always fun due to my sister and her best friend making up any excuse to yell at each other. me and my two friends spent about five minutes playing operation and then an hour playing disney's version of sorry (which i lost hardcore). as one of my friends gets her last cardboard character in the circle thing and i get sent back to start i feel a cold rush of air hit me, making goosebumps cover my arms. i look over at my front door and notice josh walking in with his siblings and parents. "hey y/n, look who finally came!" Reni mocks. i scoff. "whatever. who wants to go play king of the mountain outside?" i ask, smiling. "i don't know if you realize, but we're sixteen.

we did that when we were like ten." Reni says. i roll my eyes. "who cares. let's go!" i say, as we get dressed into our snow clothes. at around 11:47 we grab ourselves some hot chocolate and a whole bunch of sugary things that i'm probably going to regret when i'm fat and old whilst making our way towards my quite full common room. my dad turns on the television while having the countdown. once it gets down to five seconds and everyone's yelling, Reni decides to push me into josh, as he struggles to keep me on my feet. "three, two, one!" they all yell as the clock turns to midnight. i glance up at josh, who 'curiously' has a smirk on his face. "i guess this is when my horses turn back into mice..." i say, giggling. "or this." he says, quite cliché, if i do say so myself. he snakes one arm around my waist while the other one is delicately placed on my cheek. he leans forward, pressing his lips to mine, shocking me to death. i lean back, my eyes going wide. "wow." i mumble, causing him to crack an adorable chuckle. "well um, i should go say happy new year or something." i say, my eyes shifting away from his. "oh uh me too." "catch up later?" i ask, hopefully. "duh." after hugging and saying bye to everyone, i don't manage to 'catch up' with josh, which bummed me out because he is a very talented kisser. i sit in bed, reading my recent favorite book while listening to frank sinatra and (rudely, might i say) get interrupted by quiet knocking noises outside my window.

"please don't be a murderer..." i say to myself, slowly opening my curtains. i shut them, seeing no one on my roof and re-open my book. a few seconds later of peace and quiet another knock happens. i open my curtains, seeing no one again. but this time, just as i'm about to close my curtains i see a pebble hit my window and fall into my gutter. my eyes trail to the driveway and in the dark, i spot a human shadow thingy. i slide my window open, still cautiously. "who goes there?" i ask. "it's josh, y/n." i hear him yell. "and i brought your mice." i giggle at his statement and rush down the stairs, grabbing my coat off the hanger and rushing out the door. "hello." i say, a large smile forms on my face. "hey." he replies. "so, it's cold, isn't it?" he says. i nod my head. "very. so, how's 2017 doin' ya?" i ask him. "mm, it's good so far but i know what could make it better." he says, a smirk plastered on his face. "what would that be?" i ask, kinda knowing the answer. he softly caresses my cheek, giving the same butterflies he did before as he presses his lips to mine. "woah." i say, catching my breath.
2020 looks bright!

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