bar maybe?- jalen green :)

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it had been almost two months since y/n and jalen broke up. the split had taken a toll on their closely woven group of friends. restricting the intertwined circle from hanging out all together. mimi slammed her hands down onto the table, letting out a sigh as she looked down at her rumpled friend curled up into a barstool.

"okay this needs to stop." she warned, gesturing her hand to y/n who was bent over the counter, chin resting on her crossed arms.

she cocked her head to the side, looking at mimi in confusion.

"you've been moping around for weeks now, and it's time you get back out there!" she shouted at y/n who furrowed her brow as if to say she didn't understand.

the look wiped across her face however didn't stop mimi from going off.

"listen, tonight the gang is getting back together and you're bringing a date, okay?"

"i don't have a date." y/n responded flatly, burrowing her chin deeper into her arms that were resting across the kitchen island.

mimi opened her phone, typing quickly and slipping it back in her pocket.

"now you do." she smiled cheekily.

"mimi!" y/n whined, face planting into her arms with a sigh.

"i-is jalen going to be there?" she whispered quietly into her elbow.

her friend hummed, looking over her shoulder at the sound of a knock at the door, pulling her away from y/n's question.

"i think Alyssa is here."

"you didn't answer my question!" y/n yelled after mimi while she jogged to the front door.

"and i don't plan to!" she responded, leaving y/n to shove her nose deeper into her elbow bend and let out a long groan as her friends voices expanded through the room.

"y/n i swear to god if you don't get out of the fucking car-" mimi threatened from the drivers seat, turning around completely in her chair to face y/n who sat grumpily in the back.

alyssa watched from the passenger side, pushing on her seat to bump y/n's calves ever so slightly.

"c'mon y/n, it'll be fun to see everyone again." she smiled reassuringly.

it sounded appealing to y/n. to see all her old friends she had completely cut off after the break up with jalen.

she missed shareef and josh. after the couple split the group did as well, leena and lana stayed with y/n, having been roommates with lana and leena being y/n's childhood best friend.

shareef and josh took jalen's side, for obvious reasons.

even though y/n wasn't in the mood to see jalen tonight, she felt as if the dumping ruined her friendship with everyone else and she hoped tonight would bring their bonds back together.

it took quite some convincing, but eventually alyssa and mimi were able to nudge y/n out of the car, pulling her into the bar where josh and shareef already sat. josh jumped up from his seat, sprinting towards the three and enveloping them into a bear hug.

"holy shit i've missed you guys." he whispered into their ears, squeezing y/n a little bit tighter than lana and leena. they followed josh back to the bar, greeting shareef awkwardly.

"so y/n, i heard you're bringing a date." he raised his eyebrows suspiciously.

before y/n could answer, mimi interjected, thank god for her big mouth y/n thought.

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