wild thoughts-mikey williams :)

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Y/N's body lays sprawled out across the couch as she sits indulging in her favorite flavor ice cream and watching some reruns of some romantic sitcom.

She finally got a few days vacation from her fast-paced job and she planned for them to be peaceful and refreshing, but her best friend believes otherwise. He was absolutely determined that she would accompany him to his favorite club since she didn't have to return to the work the following morning.

He sits to her right poking her occasionally before drawing out the word please in a child's voice.

"Mikey, why do you want to go so bad? And why can't you take Bryce?" Y/N asks changing her attention from the TV to his adorable pouting face.

Mikey sends her a cheeky smile before launching into his explanation, "I want to go because it's been forever since I've been to a club and you're the only person that is available. I mean, you're on vacation and you're just sitting around eating!" Mikey exclaims motioning to the ice cream bowl thawing in her lap.

Y/N sighs.

"I just want one day of relaxation is that too much?" She questions looking up at the ceiling with a small frown. Y/N feels Mikey lay his head lightly on her shoulder.

"Please Y/N!"

"Fine! God, it's like you wanna ruin my days off." Y/N mutters as Mikey smiles widely at his best friend.

Mikey knew Y/N wouldn't want to go to the club with him, but he needed a designated driver and she was the only person that wasn't busy. He knew she wouldn't mind the driver part being that she hardly ever drank and when she did it was extremely small amounts.

"You're the best Y/N!" Mikey compliments briefly pressing a kiss to his best friend's cheek.

Y/N playfully pushes him away with the words,

"Yeah, yeah, that's what you tell all your friends." Mikey grins before hopping off the couch and scurrying into the kitchen. Y/N groans at the fact she just basically agreed to ruin her peaceful and relaxing evening with some loud club music and rowdy drunks.

Mikey appears next to her and sits beside her once more. "Ready to go?" He asks and Y/N gives him a crazy look, the last time she checked her phone it was only four o'clock.

She clicks the home button and her eyes widen drastically, it's almost nine. She hastily gets off the couch and heads to her room to put on more suitable clothing than some sweatpants and a tank top. The only thing running through her mind through this whole club ordeal is the fact that Y/N has the liberty to watch over a drunk Mikey.
The club was crowded and Y/N stuck pushed up to Mikey's side as they made their way through the horde of people. She wrapped her arm around his causing him to look down at her with a reassuring smile. They finally made it up to the club and as Mikey orders some alcoholic beverage, Y/N takes the chance to look around while Mikey is safely at her side.

The smell of alcohol reeks from the people overly cheering over some game on the television.

"Hey, Mikey, how long do you plan on staying here?" Y/N asks turning back to her friend with raised eyebrows.

Mikey faces Y/N as he takes a shot. "Until I can't walk straight." He jokes winking at Y/N, who in return, rolls her eyes.

After a while, Mikey's responses to Y/N various questions about leaving become more slurred. At one point, he even almost falls off the club stool and Y/N determined then that he had consumed more than enough drinks. She attempts to lead him out of the club but is yanked back by the man himself.

"You know, you're really pretty. You're like pretty pretty." Mikey compliments Y/N making her furrow her eyebrows.

She ends up just brushing off his comment and continuing her mission to get him home. She, thankfully, ends up getting him into her car without any trouble, but it's when she starts driving that the trouble begins.

"You're so nice and you always smell good." Mikey comments from the passenger seat making Y/N give him a funny look.

Mikey either disregards the look or doesn't notice it because he continues, "I think you're the best girl in the world." He says dreamy snuggling into the seat.

Y/N sneaks a peak at the suddenly quiet Mikey and smiles. He has curled up in his seat and fallen asleep against the headrest. The rest of the drive home was in silence and the only thing heard was Mikey's slight snoring. Y/N wonders what Mikey was doing by saying all those nice things about her, don't get her wrong, she loved being complimented, but why did he say those things in-particular to her. It's not like she was some super gorgeous supermodel, she was just her.

"Wake up Mikey. We're home." Y/N says lightly shaking his shoulder making him grumble something inaudible.

Nonetheless, he opens his eyes and stares drowsily at Y/N. A goofy smile inches across his face as his takes in his friend's appearance.

"You're so beautiful Y/N." Y/N ignores the comment and wraps his arm around her shoulders.

She helps him to her door and fishes in her pocket for the keys. Once she finds them, she opens the door and assists Mikey to the couch where he collapses. She grabs him some pain medication and a glass of water for him when he wakes up. To her surprise, Mikey is slouched against the couch, but his eyes are halfway open and locked on Y/N.

"I like Y/N. She's so nice, and pretty, and caring. I think I'm going to ask her to marry me because I love her she gon be my lil slimeee." Mikey comments making Y/N laugh at his drunken foolishness.

She places the glass of water and pills on the coffee table and retorts, "She's not even dating you, Mikey. How are you going to ask her to marry you?"

"I will ask her to date me when I ask her to marry me." He answers smiling yet falling over onto the cushioned sofa, undoubtedly the high amount of alcohol he consumed is obviously getting to him. Y/N rolls her eyes with a smile at her best friend's behavior before covering him in a fuzzy blanket.

"Go to sleep, you weirdo. You can ask me to marry you in the morning and I promise I'll say yes because I love you too." He tiredly nods and smiles as Y/N gently brushes his hair out of his face.

Y/N hopes that the conversation they just had wasn't just some drunk misinterpreted feelings, but rather him drunkenly confessing his feelings for her. She guesses she'll find out in the morning but Mikey will first find out how much alcohol he drunk and probably have to stay in the bathroom for a few minutes.


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