latenight snack-sharife cooper :)

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Today you were at your cousins house. Where Sharife was sitting right next to you with his arm around you. He was becoming really close. It was you, your cousin, him, and three other people. You guys surround the TV screen looking for the scariest cheesiest movies on Netflix.

None stop you guys watched, everyone was having a fun time. Till it was pushing onto 2:00am and everyone fell asleep on the floor and the couch.

You nestled your head on Sharife, and after a couple minutes later he rests his head on top of yours. Soon enough your eyes fell into a deep sleep.

You woke to the sound of the kitchen rustling, your head was on the couch and Sharife was no where to be found. You look at the clock and it read exactly 3:00am.

You rubbed your eyes, and stretch, realizing your surrounding. Your cousin was next to you snoozing while two of your other friends were snuggling next to each other, which you secretly shipped them. While Derek, another friend, was sleeping on his face with his butt pointed up to the ceiling. You stifled a laugh and head towards the light behind the couch.

"Sharife." You whisper.

Once you turn the corner, you see Sharife hands in a cookie jar while a cookie was in his mouth. He looks at you with his eyes wide like if he committed a crime.

He chews once more, you hear his crunching." I was hungry." He says.

"Eat real food. Not junk." You joke.

"Like what." He takes another cookie and bites into it.

You snatch the other half of the cookie and shove it in your mouth." How about a sandwich."

"Fine." He pouts.

You laugh silently and find all the supplies you need.

You start making your sandwich while he starts his.

He keeps staring at you, and you find it weird." What?" You snap at him.

"Nothing, you just look gorgeous when your tired."

You blush immensely.

After your both finished you guys eat together in pure silence. He keeps staring at you and gives you wiggly eyebrows to you.

You just smile at him and nudge his shoulder. When you look at the clock it reads 3:55am, which meant you only had a few hours till you had you go back to bed.

After your done, he grabs your hand and leads you to the living room. You guys both jump over Derek and sit where you were sitting before with him next to you. You put your head against his chest, with your legs under you. He puts his head on top of your with his arm around you. He swiftly kisses your forehead.

You put your arm around him.

"Goodnight, y/n." He says above a whisper.

"Goodnight, Sharife" you smile to yourself.
something a little slight hit OMGGGGG thankyou guys so much for 1K reads it means soooo much to me!!💙💙
be sure to leave request and ideas!!!
also if your feeling nice vote!💘

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