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Y/n: Your name
M/n: Your middle name
L/n: Your last name
E/c: Your eye color
H/c: Your hair color
S/c: You skin color
F/f: Your favorite food
F/c: Your favorite color
F/a: Your favorite animal

*Your POV~


Was all you ever felt as you fell to the floor hard on your hands and knees so that way you won't want to have a miscarriage you then look up at the man that I once cared and loved....the man that turn into a monster as he starts kicking me violently as I did my best to protect my unborn child.

Before this all happen when you first met Oliver he was a nice and gentle person and would always buy anyone gifts and was the most popular person in the world but when you move into his house he started showing his turn colors and turn out to be a cold and heartless man that started abusing you physically and emotional but you had no choice but to stay with him because he threaten me saying that if you ever left him he would hunt me down and kill me so you let him control my life.

But to make thing worse you found out that you was pregnant with his child and he didn't want to have children with anyone so you kept it a secret for about eight months and that's how you got into this situation because he found out about your pregnancy with his kid.

Oliver's line:
I can't believe that your pregnant you stupid B**ch!! He yells as you started crying apologizing to him for lying.

Your line:
I-I'm sorry....*HIC*....I'm so sorry..... please s-stop your going to.......kill our children you said as tears fell down in your E/c eyes but he didn't stop.

Oliver's line:
That's the point you dumb a**!!! He yells as you stared at him widen eye as your heart felt like it stop for a second.

Your line:
W-what you ask?! As he grabs you by your short H/c hair making you scream in pain with tears falling down your E/c eyes as you tried to break free from his grip but he was to strong as he was dragging you to the basement door.

Your line:
W-W-what are you doing you ask? As he looks down at me with anger.

Oliver's line:
You are sleeping in the basement tonight!! He yells as he throws you down into the basement as you tumble downstairs into the basement and slam on the cement hard as your boyfriend slam the door behind him leaving you in the dark and cold basement alone.

After he left you started crying softly as you slowly got up to your knees that was covered in bruises and scars some of them look old and some of them look new as you froze realize that you landed on your stomach and started getting worried about your child.


You then felt a small kick in your stomach as you softly started rubbing your stomach as a smile form on your face relief that the baby was okay.

You then slowly got up on both of your knees and walk slowly towards the bed and sat down on it as you softly cry into my pillow as you finally came to the grim realization that you had no choice to leave my boyfriend in order to save your unborn child from this cruel man.

So with all my might your got up and started getting my stuff together after you finished you slowly walk upstairs not wanting to make any noises as you made you way to the door and slowly open it quietly as possible and made you way to the front door.

Then you quietly turn off the alarm not wanting to walk Oliver up as you unlock the door and open it slowly but before you left the place you left a note saying that you and your boyfriend are done then walk out of the house.

After you walk out of the house and close the door behind you by grabbing one of the keys from under the mat and lock the front door quietly and quickly slip the keys back under the mat and started speed walking away from the house finally free from that hellhole and finally free to do whatever you wanted to do and with no one in your way and with no one to stop you.

Your thoughts:
Okay now that I'm out of there all I need to do is to find a place to stay before I go into labor you said as you place one of my hands to your stomach feeling the baby kicking softly.

Your line:
Don't worry my little angel momma won't let anything happen to you I promise you said looking down at my stomach and smiled softly.

As you were walking you didn't pay attention to where you was going and bump into someone as you to look down at who you bump into and help him up to his feet as he rubs his head.

Your line:
Oh my god I am so sorry you said apologizing to him as he smiles softly.

??? Line:
No it's okay he said scratching the back of his head with his eyes closed.

He then open his eyes and paused seeing that you are obviously pregnant, alone and probably homeless.

??? Line:
How long are you he ask? As you look down at your swallow belly and smiled.

Your line:
I'm only eight months you said rubbing your stomach softly.

??? Line:
And what're you doing out here all by yourself at night he ask?

Your line:
Uhhh.....well- You started but you were cut off by the man grabbing your arm making you yelp in pain causing the man let go of you arm.

??? Line:
Are you okay he ask?! As you held you right arm and sighed softly showing him the bruise and scars on my arm.

He just stared in shock as you explain everything that happened to me when you was with Oliver after explaining everything to him he smiled softly and held my hand softly as you look up at him with your E/c eyes.

??? Line:
Don't worry I know someone who can help you okay come on he said grabbing your hand softly.

Your line:
I didn't get your name by the way you said as he smiles at you softly.

??? Line:
Oh name is Pierce he said. And you are he ask? As you too started to walk into the big city.

Your line:
Well my name is Y/n—M/n—L/n you said as you too continue walking as you got very curious on who can help you.

Your line:
Uhhh...Pierce you said getting his attention as he turns his head around while you two kept on walking.

Your line:
How do you know if this person will help me out you ask? As he looks at you and smiles softly at you.

Pierce's Line:
Cause I'm their boss and when ever I ask them to help they will do it he said as you two continued to walk.

*Third person POV~

Back at Oliver's house as he was sleeping peacefully he woke up because he was thirsty and got up from bed and made his way downstairs but when he got downstairs he started to get a weird feeling that something was off.

He then look around to see if anything was wrong and froze seeing that the basement door was open and glared at it as he made his way downstairs and froze seeing that Y/n wasn't down here.

He then look around the house and realized that Y/n was not here as he clutches he fist tightly and made his way to the his bedroom and grab out a knife from one of his drawers.

Oliver's thoughts:
Well....looks like the hunt begins he said as an evil grin form on his face and throws the knife at a picture of Y/n.

Oliver's thoughts:
When I find you I will kill your children and make you mine...and mine alone he said as he laughs very evilly.

*To be continued~

Hello reader,

As you can tell Oliver is the villain of this story and his character as brown hair with green eyes and tan skin oh and by the way your character has open purple eye that is right underneath your hair so if you see some mistakes in this story then that mean that I am new here and this is my first time making a story so I hope you like it and I'll keep you updated on this.

Any who with that said and done I hope you enjoy the story bye~bye

I'll always protect you no matter what (Vanossgaming x the pregnant reader)Where stories live. Discover now