Ch-11 The escape

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Your POV~

Evan's line:
SNIPER!! GET DOWN!! He yells as he grabs me and gets down to the floor.

Then out of nowhere gun shots were heard as we landed softly to the ground not wanting to hurt me and my unborn babies while the others hit the floor hard then I flinch placing one hand to my stomach feeling pain in my belly.

Evan's line:
Y/n!! ARE YOU OKAY?! He ask as I look at him and nodded softly.

I look up to see Tyler grabbing a gun and started shooting the enemies with Delirious and the others as well.

Brock's line:
GUYS QUICK CRAWL THIS WAY TO THE GARAGE!! He yells as we made our way to kitchen and into the garage.

Evan's line:
Okay we should be safe here for now at least he said helping me up to my feet.

Evan's line:
The babies...are they okay he ask?! Placing a hand to my stomach.

Your line:
They're fine don't worry I said feeling the babies beginning to kicking wildly.

Evan's line:
Okay just wanna be sure he said holding me close to him.

Your line:
But what do we do now I ask?! Looking at him as he looks down at me.

Evan looks at one of his cars then back at me and smiled softly while the others came in and slam the door.

Evan's line:
I think I have an idea he said looking at his friends as they like at him confused.

After explaining his plan to us they started making calls for little help as they got into different cars that Evan owns as they got into groups of three and got into the cars luckily my room was close to the garage and I grab all my clothes along with the baby stuff Incase I started going into labor.

After I got all my stuff together and was about to make my way to Evan and the others when I felt that sharp pain from before but this time it was more painful making me groan in pain and at the same time I felt something gushing in between my legs making me cuss softly.

I look down confused and reach down to smell it....but it didn't look like I pee myself and decided to ignore it and got out of my room and put my stuff in the back of the car that Evan and I were going to take as we heard the garage door open and got ready to make the greatest escape of our life.

Oliver's POV~

After my crew started firing at the house I crawl out and order the boys to stop firing at the house as I got up from the ground and walk over to my crew.

Oliver's line:
Next time....warning me when you guys are going to shoot at the enemies I said.

??? Line:
Sorry sir won't happen again said one of my crew as we look at Evan's house.

??? Line:
W-what d-d-do you t-think they're up to n-now ask one of my other crew?

Oliver's line:
To be honest with you.....I don't really know Zip I said looking at Zipcat.

??? Line:
Guys they are in the garage said one of my other crew as he points at the garage door making me smile evilly.

Oliver's line:
Perfect...thank you Delirium I said grabbing out my pistol.

Oliver's line:
Everyone get in position so we can ambush them and take Y/n I ordered as the crew got into their spots.

Then the garage door started opening as I was about to give my crew the signal when three red cars zoom out of the garage as we all jump out of the way and watch the three cars leave.

Oliver's line:
Follow those cars!! I yelled as the crew got into the cars and started driving the vehicle and began following our enemy.

As we were driving we tried to ram them down but it didn't work cause they were too strong for us to ram them then we saw a few more of those same red cars and they started surrounded the three cars and then made their way to the tunnel and realized that tunnel will completely shut our lights off immediately but not their and our cars.

Oliver's line:
Alright listen up if they all start to split up start splitting up and following whatever car you can follow and we need Y/n alive so don't kill her I yelled!

Oliver's crew's line:
Roger that they said as we all made eye contact with the cars that they wanted to follow as we enter the tunnel as the lights of our cars went off.

After we exited the tunnel and the red cars started to spilt up as my crew went into different direction as one red car started driving in a straight line and I following it thinking she was in there.

Oliver's line:
I got you now he said ramming into with all of my might and they started going out of control and ram into a wall on the side as I stop and got out.

I smiled evilly and started walking towards the car with the gun in my hand and open the front door.

Tyler's Line:
SURPRISE B**CH!! He yells punching me in the face and holding me to the ground as I look up at car to see Y/n was not in that car and glared at him.

I then punch him off me and ran away as fast as possible while contacting my crew but for some reason I couldn't get through to them as I ran into the ally away when I bump into someone and look up to see it was Zip and Delirium.

Oliver's line:
Guys what happened I ask? Helping them up as they explain everything.

It turned out that Evan has Y/n and took her someplace safe in one red car that only had two seats and while they were in the tunnel Evan pulled over letting me and my crew pass by along with his crew as bait and we FELL for it and now my crew were arrested but they had the chance to escape before the police could get to them.

Oliver's line:
Well played.....Evan I said clutching my fist tightly as we started walking away from the ally and stole a car and drove away as a smile form on my face.

Oliver's line:
Hang on guys....I think I know we they might probably be hiding at I said.

Tyler's POV~

TYLER!! Yelled Delirious as I hit the ground hard and Jonathan runs to me and helps me up as we ran after him.

But however we lost him and made our way back but only to find him with two of his crew as they drive away.

Tyler's line:
CRAP!! WE NEED TO GET EVAN AND Y/N BEFORE THEY DO!! I yelled getting into the car fast as possible.

After we got in we started driving to the place that Evan told us to go to.

??? POV~

When I got my son call I send my crew to get Oliver's crew and after we arrested them my crew inform me that only three of them escaped and they were heading to where Evan and Y/n was hiding out until Oliver was arrested but Oliver was the one to escape so I got into my car.

??? Line:
Do you know where my son is Mr. Wilde ask a female voice? As I turn my head to look at the mystery person.

Mr. Wilde's line:
Yes but we have to hurry before Oliver get there I said as she nods at me and we started driving away.

Mr. Wilde's Thoughts:
Don't worry Evan....I'm coming to save you I said turning on my siren as we made our way to Evan's favorite cabin.

To be continued~

I'll always protect you no matter what (Vanossgaming x the pregnant reader)Where stories live. Discover now