Ch-4 Getting to know the crew

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Your POV~

You woke to the smell of breakfast from in the kitchen as you got up from bed and made your way to the kitchen where you saw Nogla making some breakfast as he turns to look at you.

Nogla's line:
Oh good morning Y/n he said.

Your line:
Uhh good morning you said as you walk over to the kitchen table.

After you sat down on the chair Nogla gave you a plate with eggs and bacon with pancakes and a glass of juice.

Your line:
Thank you I said as he nods at you.

You smiled softly and took one bite of the food and you completely froze realizing how delicious it was.

Your line:
Wow this is delicious Nogla you said continuing to eat it.

Nogla's line:
Why thank you young lady he said bowing down at you making you giggle softly while blushing a little bit.

??? Line:
Glad to see you two are getting along really well said a voice as you turn around and saw it was Wildcat leading against the door way.

Nogla's line:
Oh howdy Tyler he said as he walk up to you and sat down next to you.

Your line:
S-so how was your day Wildcat he said seeing how tough he was so you didn't want to get on his bad side.

Wildcat's line:
It's going great so far he said.

Wildcat's line:
But my question is......Is it true that you are pregnant with Oliver's kid he ask? As you look down at your stomach and swallow harder taking a deep breath.

Your line:
Yes I am you said looking up at him as you placed one hand to you stomach.

Nogla's line:
Wait your pregnant he ask? As I watch Tyler slap his hand on his face.

Your line:
You didn't notice you ask? While rubbing your stomach softly.

Nogla's line:
Not really I honestly thought your were fa- he was cut off by a fork in the face causing you to turn your head around to see that Tyler was obviously the one who threw that fork at Nogla.

Wildcat's line:
Forgive my friend he sometimes does some retarded things might see him to some stupid things ya know he said as you just nodded softly.

Nogla's line:
DA F**K WAS THAT FOR!! He yells as he was rubbing his nose softly.

Wildcat's line:
Because you were gonna call her fat and no pregnant woman likes to be called fat when their pregnant he said pointing at him as he glares at him causing you to giggling softly at them.

Wildcat's line:
What's so funny he ask? As he turns to you obviously they heard your giggling.

Your line:
Oh nothing it's just you two are you two always this funny you ask?

Nogla's line:
You could probably say that because we're gamers after all he said rubbing the his head softly as Tyler roll his eyes.

Your line:
Wait are you guys YouTubers you ask? Looking at them with your E/c.

Nogla's line:
Uhhh.....yes we are YouTubers he said as your eyes light up with excitement.

Your line:
Really?! I love YouTubing you said as they just stared at you and smiled.

Your line:
Plus my biggest dream is to become a YouTuber you said smiling happily.

Your line:
Do you guys have YouTuber names and how many subscribers do you have you ask? As they chuckled softly.

I'll always protect you no matter what (Vanossgaming x the pregnant reader)Where stories live. Discover now