Ch-12 The cabin & the labor

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Your POV~

After Oliver and his crew started following my crew Evan quickly turn around and started driving the opposite way and exited the tunnel.

Your line:
Do you think they're gonna to be okay I ask? As he turn to look at me.

Evan's line:
They'll be fine....don't worry babe he said as I nodded softly at him and look out the window to see a lot of buildings.

Your line:
Where are we going I ask?

Evan's line:
You'll see he said looking back at the road as I just look at him confused but went along with it anyway.
After what seem like an hour it was already nighttime and we were in like some kind of forest with only a few cabins in the wild out doors.

As we were passing by all the cabins we started going up a hill that lead to only one cabin that was only cabin up here.

Evan's line:
Alright we're here he said pulling up next to the cabin as we got out of the car and started walking to the cabin.

Your line:
Uhhh....where are we I ask? Looking at Evan as we enter the cabin.

Evan's line:
This where I use to hangout in when I was little he said as I look around to see how small it was.

The cabin had only one bed next to a fire place with two bathrooms and one kitchen in the next room.

Evan's line:
I know this doesn't look like much he said scratching the back of his head.

Your line:
Are you kidding me....this place is amazing I said smiling at him.

Evan's line:
You really think it's nice he ask? Looking at me as I rap my arms around him and kiss his cheek softly.

Your line:
Yes I do think it's nice I said looking at him as he smiles at me and started kissing me softly around my neck making me giggle softly but I flinch.

Evan's line:
Y/n?! What's wrong he ask?! As I placed both hands to my stomach as I started groaning softly when the pain disappear making me panting softly.

Your line:
I'm's the babies I said rubbing my stomach softly as he sighs softly.

Evan's line:
If there is something not right then just scream out for me and I'll come to check up on you okay Kitty he ask??

Your line:
Okay I said as he kisses me softly.

Evan's line:
Why'd don't you go and shower he said.

Evan's line:
I think you need one sense Oliver show up and decided to ruin the fun ya know he said winking at me causing me to giggle softly so I kiss his cheek softly.

Your line:
Okay my Owl-boy I said and started to the bathroom and started showering.

As I was showering I couldn't help but think about the pains I was feeling from before and how they were getting worse but no matter how many times I ignore the pains they just keep coming over and over again and it made me wonder why I was feeling this pain and why it wouldn't go away.

After I was done showering I got out and got on my pink pajamas and was about to leave the room when that same pain came back even more sharper then before making me fall to my knees as I started groaning in pain while clutching my stomach gripping onto the bathroom counter tightly.

Your thoughts:
W-what's happening to me I ask?! As I felt the babies kicking wildly.

After what felt like an hour the pain stop giving me a chance to breathe.

Then I felt something in between my legs and look down to see how wet my pants were then I reached down but to only have my hands return with blood but before I could think of anything the pain return and hit me as I finally understand why I was feeling this pain and why it would go away.
I was going into labor.

Evan's POV~

I was getting firewood for the fireplace while thinking about Y/n. I don't know why but I just couldn't help but wonder if Y/n was okay because she had been acting a bit off lately but I decided to ask her tomorrow and started putting the firewood in the fireplace and was about to get the fire going when......


I heard Y/n scream at the top of her lungs like she was in trouble.

Evan's line:
Y/n?! I ask getting more worried now.

Y/n's line:
EVAN!!! She screams as I got up and ran into the bathroom that she was in.

Evan's line:
Y/n I heard you scream what's w- I froze seeing Y/n on the ground looking at me with fear in her eyes then I saw her legs. They were covered in blood.

Not just anyones blood but in her blood. Then I saw her gritting her teeth together making my eyes go widen as a ghost then I ran up to her and help her up to her feet then she flinch in pain and grabs onto my shirt and started to cry in pain and yelled out the one word that I prayed to God she wouldn't say.


To be continued~

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