Ch-18 The unknown person

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Evan's POV~

Everyone remain in shock when they found out that Y/n was a wolf just like her daughter and it also explain why her daughter Vanessa is a wolf baby.

Evan's line:
Well....that changed everything I said as Y/n look over at me and smiled softly at me knowing that I didn't care that she was a wolf like her daughter.

Oliver's line:
Oh god he said as we all look at him who had a disgusting look on his face.

Oliver's line:
You are so ugly as a wolf he said glaring at her as my eyes started turning red.

Oliver's line:
I can't believe I dated you when you are a F**KING wolf he yells as Y/n looks at him with tears in her eyes making my anger boil up with my red eyes.

Oliver's line:
But no matter cause I kill you and your children he said pulling out a gun from his belt and point it at her.

I glared at him then charge at him tackling him with the gun in his hands as he struggles to break free.

Oliver's line:
GET OFF OF ME!! He yells fighting back against my strong hands.

Evan's line:
NEVER!! I yelled holding him back.

Then Oliver hit me in the head with the gun as I fell backwards onto my knees.

Oliver's line:
Now to end this he said pointing the gun at Y/n's as she close her eyes.

Evan's line:
NO!! I yelled shielding her and the kids as the gun goes off over and over again.


I started to fell numb as darkness took over me then everything went black.

Third person POV~

Three gunshot echoes very loud being heard for miles away from the cabins.

Y/n open her eyes and froze as her heart felt like it stop for a moment as she saw what the bullets hit. Who shielded her and her children.

Evan's body hit the floor in front of her and her children. Three gun shot wounds through his back as blood started pouring down and onto the floor and starts to tremble while tears fell down her face. Tyler completely froze in horror to see that his adopted brother was on the floor as blood kept coming from Evan's body.

Tyler's line:
Y-YOU....YOU F**KING BASTARD!! He yells as he charges at him but Oliver dodgers it and trips him making him fall to the ground with a loud thud.

Oliver's line:
GIVE IT UP YOU MORONS!! THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP ME!! I MAYBE A PSYCHOPATH BUT I'M STILL AS SMART AS YOU GUYS ARE!! He yells as he does an evil laugh and points the gun at Y/n and was about to pull the trigger when.....

??? Line:
Think again a** wipe said a voice as he turns around to see there was a person who had a black hoodie and had the hoodie over her head and was covering her face so no one can see who she is.

But before Oliver could do anything the strange woman tackled him to the ground making him drop the gun as it slips over to the front door.

??? Line:
How dare you try and kill my son along with his girlfriend and her horrible's time I end your psychopath journey once and for all she said pulling out a knife from her sleeves and points it at Oliver.

Oliver's line:
I don't believe I know you he said looking up at her as the crew did the same with a confused look as well.

Oliver's line:
Have we met before he ask?? As she lifts the knife into the air and glares at Oliver making him get a little scared.

??? Line:
Here's a hint she said as she starts stabbing him over and over again until he finally stop moving.

The others all stared in shock as Oliver Charlie Fong was finally dead for good and Y/n and her children were finally safe from this violently man as the mystery girl threw the knife of to the side as she slowly gets up and turns her head to the cabins front door then she immediately runs out the back door.

Tyler father's line:
FREEZES PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!! He yells as he points the gun out.

Tyler's line:
DAD!! He yells as his father looks at him and puts his gun down.

Tyler father's line:
TYLER WHAT ARE Y- He then was cut off by Evan who was on the floor with three bullet shots in his back along with Jonathan who had a stab wound in his stomach as he puts his weapon down and runs over to Tyler and his friends.

Tyler father's line:
TYLER WHAT HAPPEN TO EVAN AND JON?! He ask as he checks of any signs of breathing along with another cop to check if Jonathan was breathing.

Tyler's line:

Tyler father's line:
Don't worry Evan is still alive he said.

Tyler's line:
But what about Jon he ask? Looking over at the other police man.

Male police officer's line:
He has a pulse but it fading he said as Tyler's father got out his walkie-talkie and called in for an ambulance.

After the ambulance arrived they were taken to the hospital with Tyler's father right behind them as they made their way to the emergency room.

The doctors told Evan's crew to wait in the waiting room until they can take care of  Y/n,Evan and Jonathan.

After what seem like an hour of waiting room a doctor comes out with a nurse right next to him as the crew ran towards them with worried looks.

Tyler's line:
How are they he ask?! As one of the doctors look at him with a smile.

Dr. Hunter's line:
Well first off the mother is doing fine and so are the triplets he said making the crew sighed softly in relief.

Dr. Hunter's line:
And I'm kinda surprised that Y/n is a wolf just like her daughter is he said looking down at him clipboard.

Tyler's line:
So you two saw her huh he ask? As they nodded at him and sighed softly.

Dr. Hunter's line:
Yes and if you don't might....I'm gonna run a few test on her to see why she became a wolf in the first place he ask?

Tyler's line:
As long as you don't hurt her then I'm okay with it he said as the doctor nodded at him as he sighed softly.

Nurse Samantha's line:
Do you know what the triplets names are she ask? As Tyler looks at her.

Tyler's line:
The one with Y/n's H/c is name Victoria and the little boy that looks like Oliver is name Ethan and the wolf girl is name Vanessa he said.

Nurse Samantha's line:
Those are some lovely names she said as I nodded at her softly.

Tyler's line:
Well Evan is the one who pick those names out for the girl I said as the doctors happy look turn into a serious look now as I look at him.

Dr. Hunter's line:
Well we manage to stabilize both Jon and Evan but they both lost a lot of blood so they both need blood samples to keep Jon alive and to keep Evan alive during the surgery he said looking at us as the nurse looks away.

Tyler's line:
Alright what is Evan's blood number cause Luke already knows what Jonathan's blood number is he said pointing back at Luke.

??? Line:
His blood is A5 said a voice as the crew turn around to see it was that same girl that saved them from Oliver.

Brock's line:
It's you....the one who saved our lives he said pointing at her.

Brian's line:
And just how do you know what Evan's blood is he ask? As a smile grin form on her face and takes off the hoodie.

To be continued~


But who is this mystery person and why does she want to help Evan so much but the most important question is why did she call Evan her son?

Read the next chapter to find out!!

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