Ch-2 The new mission

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Tyler's POV~

It was morning and I was driving to Evan's house with Delirious,Marcel and Craig in the passenger seat cause he just texted us to meet him at his house for another mission and I was kinda surprise that our boss needed everyone for this mission cause it was a lot of people to participate in any kind of mission that just like that.

Marcel's line:
I hope everyone got them memo cause that's a lot of people he said.

Tyler's line:
Ya think I ask? As he just nodded.

Delirious line:
Look there's Evan's house he said pointing at Evan's house that had two cars park on the side of the house.

One car was a van and one car was a truck so I knew that maybe everyone went into the same car so they can get here fast and I also realize that the the van belongs to Nogla and realize that truck also belongs to Terrorizer.

After we park into Evan's driveway we got out and walk to Evan's front door where the others are waiting for us.

Delirious line:
Hey guys he said waving at them getting their attention.

Nogla's line:
Well howdy f**king duty he said waving back at us after we got there.

Delirious line:
How long have you guys been waiting out here he ask? Very curious.

Brian's line:
For like about f**king twenty minutes what do you think Jonathan he ask?!

Marcel's line:
Did you guys even tried knocking on his door he ask? While I rolled my eyes.

Brian's line:
Yes twice and he still not answering!! He yells as I just slap my hand on my face and walk in front of Brian and open the door right in front of them.

Tyler's line:
Evan also texted me saying that he already unlocked the door so we can just enter his home I said as the others just remain silent and look at me.

Brian's line:
I'm so retarded he said in his Irish voice as we all look at him and laugh.

Tyler's line:
Alright guys come on let's just go in I said entering his home with the others behind me and noticed that Evan wasn't around to greet us.

Delirious line:
Uhhh guys where is Evan he ask?

Tyler's line:
I don't know let's look for him I said as the crew nodded at me and started looking for Evan....wherever he is.

Nogla's line:
Found him!! He yells from upstairs as we all made our way upstairs and into his room where he was still sleeping.

Brian's line:
Well that explain why he didn't answer he said as I just rolled my eyes at him.

I then heard his phone go off and look at it to see there was a time set on there as I just turn it off and sighed softly.

Craig's line:
Looks like our boss woke him up a bit too early in the morning he said.

Tyler's line:
Yo Evan time to get up I said as he just slap his hand away from him.

Evan's line:
No mom I don't wanna go to school...... five more minutes he said turning away from us as most of us tried to not laugh really loud cause he was obviously having a dream about his childhood.

We all tried to wake him up except for Nogla who was just leading against the wall like a gangster would do but it was no use we couldn't wake him up which piss me off no matter what we tried.

Marcel's line:
Hey Nogla don't just stand there come help us!! He yells as Nogla grins evilly.

He then walks up to me and places one of his hands on my shoulder.

Nogla's line:
Hey Tyler does Evan keep any empty buckets anywhere he ask? As I just blink confused but answer his question.

Tyler's line:
Yeah he keeps one in the basement....... why'd you ask? I ask as he just walks out of the room and goes into the basement to grab the empty bucket.

Marcel's line:
What do you think he's up to he ask? As I just shrug at him.

With curiosity on my mind I decided to follow him with the others behind me.

After we got downstairs we saw Nogla with Delirious's dog name Cinnamon also with the bucket that fulled with ice cold water but with a video camera.

Tyler's line:
What are you up to Nogla I ask? As he just turn his head around to face me.

Nogla's line:
You'll see he said in an evil way.

Nogla's line:
Hey Delirious can you come up here with me for a second he ask? As Delirious just nodded and went upstairs with Nogla & Cinnamon.

I started to get really curious now on what the f**k Nogla was up to with that bucket of water when suddenly I heard water being splash onto someone.

Evan's line:

Evan let out a scream as we heard both Nogla & Delirious laughing their heads off and saw Delirious going downstairs with the camera in his hands laughing.

Tyler's line:
What did he just do? What happen I ask? As he just show us a video of Nogla dumping the cold water on Evan.

The others all laugh at what Nogla did as I tried to keep my laugh in.

Evan's POV~

I was sleeping so peacefully when I felt something cold get dumb on me making me scream and wake up from my slumber as I look up and saw it was Nogla and Delirious laughing their heads off causing me to glare at them.

Evan's line:
Guys what the f**k was that for I ask?! But they just continued laughing causing me get more piss off at them.

Then out of nowhere a dog jump on me making me look up to see it was Cinnamon as she started licking me making me laugh because it tickle a lot.

Evan's line:
Okay win I said sitting up on my bed and rubbing my eyes softly and look up at Nogla.

Evan's line:
Hey Nogla how's it going I said.

Nogla's line:
Oh nothing much just wondering when are we going to go to our boss for our next mission he said as I froze there.

I then look at my phone and saw it was 3:00 Pm and realized I overslept.

Evan's line:
CRAP I OVERSLEPT!!! I yelled as I got off my bed and ran into the bathroom to take a shower and to get ready.

Third person POV~

After what seem like a few minutes Evan finally finished and was ready to go and they all headed out the door and got into the cars by the time Evan finish it was already 3:23 Pm.

After they got there it was already 3:26 Pm as they enter the building and went right straight to Piece's meeting room where he was waiting for them.

Pierce's line: glad you guys could make it he said as the crew got in their assign seats as Pierce got up from his seat.

Pierce's line:
Alright.....let's begin he said.

To be continued~

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