Ch-5 The ultrasound

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Your POV~

It was the next day and I got to know Marcel,Craig,Ryan,Bryce,Luke and Scotty who are also YouTubers as well.

Marcel's YouTuber name is BasicallyIdowrk and he has 4.76M subscribers and Craig YouTuber name is Mini Ladd and he has 5.74M subscribers as for Ryan his YouTuber name is Ohmwrecker and he has 2.29M subscribers and for Bryce his YouTuber name is Bryce McQuaid and he has 6.15M subscribers and as for Luke his YouTuber name is Cartoonz and he has 3.24M subscribers and finally Scotty.

His YouTuber name is Fourzer0seven and he has 1.81M subscribers and I'm completely surprised that they have that must subscribers on their channel.

Anyway I was on my way to the doctors to get my very first ultrasound with Evan and the others to protect me.

Evan's line:
Alright we're here he said pulling into the driveway and turning off the car.

Marcel's line:
Are you nervous Y/n he ask? As you just shook your head at him.

Your line:
Not at all I said as I got out of the car.

Evan's line:
Alright guys stay close to Y/n you don't know when Oliver might strike at you he said as we started walking to the hospital while I stayed close to them.

After we enter the hospital we got to the front of the desk we the reception and got ourself check in as we made our way to the room 305 the room that has the doctor in it so she can use the ultrasound so I can see my baby.

Once when me and Evan enter the room we female doctor greeted me with her long brown hair with green emerald eyes and with white skin.

Female doctor's line:
Hello Y/n my name is Doctor Jennifer and I'll will be checking your baby she said as I just nodded softly.

Doctor Jen's line:
Alright so laid down right here and we'll begin she said as I made my way to the bed and laid down lol at her.

Doctor Jen's line:
Alright so I'll be putting on this gel and I will use this scanner so you and your boyfriend over there can see your baby she said as I just blush madly red.

Your line:
Uhhh...oh umm...he is not my boyfriend I said as I look at Evan who was also blushing as well.

Evan's line:
Yeah I'm not her boyfriend he said.

Doctor Jen's line:
Oh well then where is the father she ask? As you took a deep breath.

Your line:
It's kinda complicated between me and my real boyfriend I said.

Doctor Jen's line:
Oh I see well....I guess that okay she said as she lift up my shirt.

Doctor Jen's line:
Alright let's get this gel on so we can see that baby of yours she said grabbing the gel and putting it on her hands as I started to get nervous.

Doctor Jen's line:
Oh just a little heads up the gel will be cold so I would prepare yourself for it she said as you just nodded softly.

She then softly place the gel on my stomach as I cold chill ran down my body making me grip Evan's hand softly while Jen place the scanner on my stomach and started rubbing it softly no wanting to hurt my baby.

I then look at the scanner and froze seeing what the inside of my stomach is like and saw the baby I was carrying.

Your thoughts:
So that's what it looks like even though this is my first time getting an ultrasound I said look at Evan who was shock as Jen look for a heart beat.

She then smile softly as she found the heart beat making me sighed in relief.

Doctor Jen's line:
Man your little baby has one strong heart beat she said with a smile.

Your line:
Doctor Jen is there more then one heart beat I ask? As she looks at me then look for another heart beat.

She then paused searching for an heart beats and her eyes completely widen.

Yours & Evan's line:
What we ask?! As she look at you with a disbelieving look on her face.

Doctor Jen's line:
Well it turns out that there are....two other heart beats in there she said.

Both my and Evan's eyes widen in shock at what she told us.

Evan's line:
Are you...saying that she having he started but he was cut off by Jen nodding her head at us.

Doctor Jen's line:
She's having triplets she said.

I covered my mouth at what she just announce as Evan mouth open widely.

Your line:
I'm having......triplets b...but how is that p...possible I ask?! In shock.

Doctor Jen's line:
I don't know but you are the luckiest person in the world to have triplets she said looking back at the screen.

Doctor Jen's line:
But she said looking at one of them.

Evan's line:
But what he ask? Looking at Jen.

Your line:
What's wrong you ask?! A bit worried.

Doctor Jen's line:
Well you see all three of the them....are a bit oversized so with all three of them oversized children in your stomach it could make the birthing tough she said.

Your line:
Oh....okay I said looking down at my stomach then back at her.

Doctor Jen's line:
But with that out of the way do you want to know what the gender of the babies are she ask? As you look at Evan and smiled at him making him nodded.

Evan's line:
Of course Mrs, Jen he said.

Doctor Jen's line:
Alright then well it's looks like you are going to be having two healthy girls and one healthy boy she said.

Your line:
Really I ask?! Very excited as she nods at me while I look at my stomach.

After we got the pictures of the babies that we in my stomach we left the room where Marcel and the others are waiting for us and we told them the good news and show them the pictures.

Marcel's line:
HOLY SH*T that is a lot of kids to take care of!! He yells in shock.

Craig's line:
MARCEL!!! Watch your language!!

Evan's line:
Alright everybody let's go home he said as everyone looks at him and nods at him including me and walk out of the hospital with the pictures of the babies.

??? Line:
Well...well...well....look who it is said a voice as you froze in fear and turn around to see it was your ex-boyfriend.

To be continued~

Hello reader,

Hello again it's me the creator and yes I did it again so if you wanna know how I did it the just look it up whatever YouTuber you like and then fine the logo and it will show up okay? And I'm no hacker and never will be?

But now I'll let you get back to the story so talk to y'all later...Bye~Bye

From creator.

I'll always protect you no matter what (Vanossgaming x the pregnant reader)Where stories live. Discover now