Ch-19 Mrs. Fong?!

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Third person POV~

Tyler father's line: he said completely speechless as everyone stared at her wide eye and saw who the girl was.

The girl look almost like Evan but she had one yellow eyes and one blind eye.

David's line:
Who are you he ask?? Very confused.

Tyler's line:
Really Nogla he ask?? Looking at him.

David's line:
What?? I'm just asking he said.

Tyler father's line:
Mrs. Fong he ask?! As they crew turn to look at him with a confused look.

Tyler's line: you know her he ask? As Tyler's father look at him and sighed.

Tyler father's line:
She is......Evan's real mother he said as the hole crew gasp in shock.

Luis's line:
That is Evan real mother he ask?!

Brian's line:
HOW he ask?! In shock.

Brock's line:
But I thought you told us she was die he said looking over at Tyler's father.

Tyler father's line:
That's what I thought too he said looking over at his son then at her.

Mrs. Fong's line:
It's a long story but I'll explain later and right now my son needs me because my blood is A5 which is the right blood sample so you can use mine she said looking over at the doctor.

Mrs. Fong's line:
Please for my son sake she ask? As the doctor looks at the nurse who nodded at him making him look back at her.

Dr. Hunter's line:
As you wish Mrs. Fong he said making her nod at him as they made their way to the room that Evan is in.

Nurse Samantha's line:
You guys wait out her I'll come back with the results she said as the crew nodded softly as they watch her leave.

Tyler's POV~

I was sitting next to the surgical room with my father and my friends hoping and praying that Evan will be alright.

My father already called Jonathan's parents and told them what happened and they immediately got here as fast as possible and they went into the room that Jon was in as the Dr. Hunter explain what they needed to keep him alive so Jonathan's father took the sacrifice in order to keep him alive.

So now Jonathan's mother and sister are waiting in the waiting room until they know that Jonathan is okay.

By the time that Jonathan's family came in and that Evan was already in surgery it was already night time and most of us were already asleep except for me. I was waiting for any new on Evan and Jon because they were hurt because of me and it was my fault that I didn't do anything to stop it.

I just blamed myself for this mess even though they told me that it wasn't my fault I still blame myself for it.

Tyler father's line:
You should rest Tyler I don't want you to be awake all night long he said as I turn my head to look at him.

Tyler's line:
How can I sleep right now at a time like this I ask? As he sighs softly.

Tyler father's line:
Your worried about Jon aren't you he ask?? As I just nodded softly.

Tyler's line:
I f**k up so bad dad I said.

Tyler father's line:
This isn't your fault Tyler and never will be your fault he said placing his hand on my shoulder.

Tyler father's line:
Sometimes people make mistakes but that's okay cause they always find a way to make it up to them he said.

Tyler's line:
But how can I make it up to Jon I ask?? Looking up at him.

Tyler father's line:
Don't worry you'll always find a way you just need to think what your going to say to him then tell him he said as I look down at the floor.

Then I heard doors opening as I turn my head to see the light to the surgery room was off as the same doctor came out with Evan's mother.

Tyler's line:
How is he I ask?? As I got up from the chair and ran up right to him.

Dr. Hunter's line:
Well according to the three bullets he had he said looking at him clipboard.

As he was talking I started clutching my fists tightly ready to punch myself in the face and hope that the surgery didn't turn into a failure.

Dr. Hunter's line:
He'll pull through he said with a smile on his face as I look up at him.

Dr. Hunter's line:
I have to admit it was pretty close cause we almost lost him but it's a miracle that he survived he said very impressed that Evan survived the surgery.

I sighed in relief that Evan was gonna make it to see Y/n and her children once again. Then I heard footsteps from behind me as I turn around to see it was the same nurse from before as I walk up to her as she stops in her track.

Tyler's line:
How's Jonathan doing I ask?? As she took a deep breath and sighed softly looking back up at me and smiled.

Nurse Samantha's line:
He'll be fine don't worry she said.

Tyler's line:
Good. So when can I see them I ask?? Looking back at Dr. Hunter.

Dr. Hunter's line:
You can see them tomorrow he said as I nodded at him while my dad woke up the crew and told them that Evan and Jon will be just fine as I smiled softly.

Tyler's line:
Thank you for saving my friends I said holding my hand out as he grabs it and shakes my hand softly and smiles.

Dr. Hunter's line:
It's what I do he said as my father and my friends started to leave the hospital with me right behind them.

After my dad drop off the others at their houses he drove me home to my house and I just went to sleep cause tomorrow I will get to see Evan and Jon alive and healthy as they can be.

But I still didn't get one thought out of my head which was how was Evan's real mother was still alive after all these years as Evan grew up without her.
So why did she show up now?

To be continued~




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