The ending

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Third person POV/A few years later~

After the hole sh*t with Oliver was finally over everyone started to build lives of their own.

Anthony started dating someone that he truly love same for John and Jaren.

Gorilla started working at a bar so he can support his family with Squirrel as his partner.

Scotty and Chrissy had a daughter and a son name Nora and Jackson.

As for Bryce,Ryan,Luke and Jonathan they continued to work with Pierce so they can keep their reputation alive plus they have their own girlfriends.

Luis started doing his own business with Nogla while David and Jaclyn had two little boys name Nicky and Ricky.

Craig ended up doing his own thing with his girlfriend and Marcel had a daughter with Simone together they name her Samantha Cunningham.

Brock and his wife are expecting a new baby boy soon as their daughter was now in third grade while Brian became a doctor in order to help people survive any bad injury and health issues.

Tyler became a police officer so he can take his father place as his father finally retired from his job and he had a son with Kelly that they named Derek.

And as for Y/n and Evan he proposed to her and they immediately got married as for Evan's mother she ended up moving in with them and the triplets they ended doing their own stuff. Victoria started to do archery but with a fake bow and arrows because she's to young to use a real bow and arrow, Ethan started training to become a hockey player just like Evan and as for Vanessa she ended playing video games and started training to become a YouTuber just like Evan.

Evan though the triplets know that Evan is not their real father they treat them like he is just like he treats Y/n. Plus they are going to have another kid but this time its Evan's kid.

And everyone live happily ever after.
As a one big happy family.

The end~

Finally!! Done with this story!!

I've been working on this story for a long time now so if you see a few mess ups in any of the chapters then don't worry about it but any case I'm going to work on a different story but first I need to think on what the new story is going to be about so I can make it and post it on this Wattpad.

But any case I hope you enjoy my very first story and thank you so much for reading this story and I'll see you next time.....Bye~Bye

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