Ch-1 The bossess call

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Evan's POV~

I was playing Gmod horror map with Delirious,Cartoonz,Ohm and Bryce and Delirious was showing us something that got him killed in the game.

As he was explaining how he died we all turn around and saw one of those explosive barriers and Delirious and I decided to be idiots and walk up to it.

Both Delirious & Evan's line:
What the hell is this we ask? As we got closer to the explosive barrier when......


It explode right in front of us killing both me and Delirious in the process while Ohm,Bryce and Cartoonz started laughing their heads off.

Ohm's line:
Wow he said.

Evan's line:
The f**k I said.

Delirious line:
What the hell he ask?

Cartoonz's line:
That was the funniest sh*t I've ever seen he said laughing as Ohm starts walking in the direction that we died in.

Ohm's line:
Now we can run pass it come on he said running pass it with Bryce behind him.

After we respond we continue to finish the map and after a few minutes later we finish the map and got off the game.

Cartoonz's line:
Man that one part was so the most funniest sh*t I've ever seen he said as he started to laugh with Ohm & Bryce.

Bryce's line:
Yeah man that was pretty funny I'm not gonna lie he said as the laugher stop.

Delirious line:
Shut up Bryce that was so not funny man he said as I kinda laugh a little.

Cartoonz's line:
Well I'm gonna head to bed guys he said as he logs off his computer.

Ohm's line:
Yeah me too he said logging off as well.

Delirious line:
Okay goodnight Luke and Ryan he said.

Both Luke & Ryan's line:
Goodnight Jon they said.

Bryce's line:
Alright goodnight guys he said logging off the computer as well.

Evan's line:
Goodnight Bryce oh and also goodnight to you too Luke & Ryan I said as they told me goodnight as well leaving me with Delirious to only talk to.

Delirious line:
Sooooo what do you wanna do now he ask? As I just sighed softly.

Evan's line:
Well I'm gonna head to bed as well if that's okay with you I ask?

Delirious line:
No it's okay we can play more games tomorrow he said as I smiled softly.

Evan's line:
Alright goodnight Jon I said logging off my computer as Jon did the same.

Delirious line:
Goodnight Evan he said shutting down everything as I did the same.

I sighed softly and took off my shirt and got in bed as I drifted off to sleep.

*3:00 Am~

I woke up to the sound of my phone going off as I groan softly and tried to find the nightlight with my hands while I was haft asleep after I found it and sat up and grab my phone to see who was calling me in the middle of the night.

As I look at my phone I paused seeing it was my boss who was calling me and sighed softly answering it.

Evan's line:
Sir I ask?

Pierce's line:
I'm sorry to wake you up at a bad time Mr. Fong he said through the phone.

Evan's line:
No sir it's okay I said. So do we have another mission to do I ask?

Pierce's line:
Yes as a matter of fact I do he said.

Evan's line:
Great happy to hear that I said. So what time should we meet you at I ask?

Pierce's line:
I'd say about.....3:30 Pm he said.

Evan's line:
Sounds good and who should I bring on this mission I ask? As I hear him taking a deep breath and sighed softly.

Pierce's line:
Well your actually need all your friends here he said as I blink kinda surprised.

Pierce's line:
Just get everyone ready for tomorrow and I'll explain everything later after you get here okay he ask?

Evan's line:
Yes sir I said yawning tiredly.

Pierce's line:
Alright I'll let you sleep now he said.

Evan's line:
Thank you sir I said as he hangs up on me as I turn off the lights and laid back down on my bed and started to fall asleep wondering what the mission is this time but what I didn't know is that it would change my life forever.

*To be continued~

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