Ch-3 Meeting Y/n

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Evan's POV~

Evan's line:
So what's the mission this time I ask? As Pierce turns around to face me.

Pierce's line:
I'm very glad you ask Evan he said turning away from me and walk away.

Pierce's line:
Today for your mission you guys will be body guarding someone and she will be living at Evan's house until she finds a place to live in he said seating down.

Scotty's line:
Why do we need to protect this person and is she being hunted down or something he ask? As our boss nodded.

Pierce's line:
But you are not going this guy Evan he said looking over at me with a serious look on his face as I blink confused.

Evan's line:
Who is this guy that we have to be careful with I ask? As he took a deep breath and sighed before looking at me.

Pierce's line:
The guy that is hunting the person down.......Is your brother Oliver he said as the hole crew gasp in shock.

My eyes completely widen as my eyes started turn from red to brown while I did my best to calm down my anger.

Evan's journal~
I had an older brother name Oliver Charlie Fong and he was a psychopath that frame me and rap other women to get what he wanted until one day I had enough and decided to record everything that Oliver did and once when I had enough evidence I called the police and told them everything.

My parents didn't believe me at first but when I show them the evidence that he did they got mad at me and tried to hurt me but the police stop them and send them to a psychological place where all psychopath go to and that is when I move in to Tyler's place.

After I calm down I took a deep breath and sighed softly looking at my boss.

Evan's line:
Alright we'll take the job I said.

Pierce's line:
Excellent alright you can come in now he said as me and my crew look in the direction that our boss was looking at.

The doors to his office open as I young beautiful girl came walking in.

Pierce's line:
This is the person you'll be protecting from now on Y/n—M/n—L/n he said as she stop walking and blushing softly.

Y/n's line:
H-hi she said waving at us.

We all look at her E/c made I contacted with us as her short H/c was in a little cute ponytail and her S/c but what caught my attention was her stomach it was really big and I got a little worried.

I then got up and walk up right towards her and offered my hand to her as she softly grabs it and shakes my hand.

Evan's line:
Hello Y/n my name is Evan Fong people call me Vanoss and this my crew I said as she looks at my friends.

Y/n's line:
H-hi there she said waving at them.

The crew's line:
Hi Y/n they said at the same time making her jump a little bit.

Evan's line:
Guys you scared her I said as she just giggled softly making me look at her.

Evan's line:
What's so funny I ask? As I watch her place one hand to her stomach.

Y/n's line:
Sorry it's just the baby kicking that's all she said rubbing her stomach softly.

I look at her stomach and realized she was pregnant with Oliver's kid and I wonder why she left him.

Evan's line:
Any who guys introduced yourself to her I said as the crew got up from their seats and walk over to her.

Anthony's line:
Hi there my name is Anthony but you can call me Chilled he said.

I'll always protect you no matter what (Vanossgaming x the pregnant reader)Where stories live. Discover now