Ch-20 A small reunion

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Marcel's POV~

It was the next day and I decided to visit Tyler who was on his way to the hospital to check on Evan,Jon and Y/n.

And my wife Simone begged me to let her come with me so she can see the babies that were born so I let her come.

Simone's line:
I can't wait to see her children she said looking out the window excited about meeting Y/n's children which was kinda cute seeing that she loved kids.

Marcel's line:
Same I said as I turn into the right and saw the hospital that they were in.

Marcel's line:
Alright guys we are almost there I said as Tyler looks out the window to see the hospital as he smiles happily.

Tyler's line:
I hope Evan is okay right now he said looking back at me as I sighed softly.

Marcel's line:
Me too man I said turning into the hospital parking lot as we got out of the car and made our way into the place.

We then made our way to room where Y/n is in with her newborn children and enter the room to see her holding one of her daughters in her arms and was breastfeeding her making me and Tyler look away cause I obviously have a wife and Tyler has his girl.

Marcel's line:
We'll just wait outside right now I said kissing her cheek softly as she nods at me as me and Tyler left the room.

Simone's line:
Hey Y/n she said slowly walking over to her as Y/n looks up at her.

Y/n's line:
Oh hey Simone how are you she said as her daughter was making cute noises as Simone looks down at her.

Simone's line:
She so cute she said as Y/n nods at her.

Y/n's line:
Indeed she is she said as her daughter looks up at her and Simone.

Simone's line:
So what is her name she ask? Looking up at Y/n as she smiles at Simone.

Y/n's line:
Victoria she said as she smiles at her.

Simone's line:
That's a perfect name she said as she gently rubs her daughter tiny cheek softly making the little girl giggled at it.

Simone's line:
Hey where are your other two babies you have she ask?? Looking around the room then look back at her.

Y/n's line:
Ethan and Vanessa are both getting their checkups with nurse Samantha and nurse Jessica right now she said.

Simone's line:
Ethan and Vanessa she ask?? Looking at her as she nods at Simone.

Y/n's line:
Oh little boy name is Ethan and I had another daughter name Vanessa she said pretty happy about it.

Simone's line:
Wow I like those names she said very happy about it making Y/n smile.

Y/n's line:
Indeed she said as they continue chatting in the room while we just waited outside of the room.

I then saw Tyler get up from his seat and look down at me with a worried look on his face as I smiled at him knowing what he needed to do.

Marcel's line:
Go on I'll take care of Simone from here I said as he nods at me.

Tyler's line:
I really appreciated dude he said as he starts to run to where Jon and Evan are at leaving me with my lover alone.

Tyler's POV~

After I left Marcel to do things with his wife and Y/n I ran to get to Delirious's room so I can apologize for what I said about him messing up all the mission that we went on and I know that somethings he doesn't mess up the mission and I know for a fact the he is my friend and right now I need to apologize to him then I can visit Evan.

I'll always protect you no matter what (Vanossgaming x the pregnant reader)Where stories live. Discover now