Ch-13 The birth/Part one

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Evan's POV~

I completely went pale hearing that. No this can't be happening?! Why did they have to come here of all time?!

Thoughts were running through my like a crazy tsunami but soon snap out of it to her holding my hand softly.

Evan's line:
Y/n we need to get you to a hospital I said as she starts panting softly.

She was gripping my hand softly while trying her best not to break my hand as her next words made my heart drop.

Y/n's line:
*Pants softly* I-I don't...UGHH...think I'll make it in time...the babies want out Evan...AHHH...RIGHT NOW!!! She yelled while doing her best to not push.

Evan's line:
Oh f**k...A-are you sure...we don't know how long we have to wait until your fully dilated I said looking down at her but to see her look down at the floor and froze then looks back at me.

Y/n's line:
E-Evan do you remember yesterday that I was started feeling pain she ask?

I was confused at first but nodded at her as she starts shaking in fear.

Y/n's line:
I-I think it was contraction that I was feeling and I just didn't even realize it she said as I look at her with wide eyes.

Evan's line:
WHAT?!! Okay long are your contraction right now I ask? As she started hissing in pain.

Y/n's line:
T-ten minutes apart I think and I'm feeling a lot of pressure she said.

I completely pausing for a split second before coming to the grim realization.

We had to do this alone...just me and her...the babies life and her life were in my hands and it honestly terrified me.

Y/n's line:
Why.....why did this have to happen now I'm not even due for two why now and here she ask? With tears in her eyes as she groans softly.

After seeing her in tears something snap inside me and knew she needed me so I took a deep breath and sighed softly cuffing her cheek softly.

Evan's line:
Babe...the babies are going to be okay so I need to know if you trust me with this or not I ask? Looking serious now.

She looks at me and nodded softly.

Evan's line:
Do you think you can make it onto the bed I ask? As she shook her head softly.

Y/n's line:
I can't even barley walk she said trying to move her legs but failed miserably.

Evan's line:
Don't worry I got you I said picking her up as we made our way to the bed and help her get as comfortable as possible.

Evan's line:
Alright I'm going to get all the stuff we need...just keep breathing okay I ask?? As she nods at me while panting.

I then kiss her softly and started getting the stuff ready for the babies.

Evan's thoughts:
I can't believe this is finally it....I can't believe she finally having these babies.....I just hope that Oliver doesn't come find us before the babies are born and try to ruin everything. But if he does I'll make sure to protect her and the babies even if it means sacrifice myself in order to protect them I said placing one hand to my chest with my eyes closed then got to work.

Your POV~

I was in a sitting up position panting heavily as Evan got the towels and blankets along with the rest of the stuff now all he just needed was some water.

Evan's line:
Just hang in there babe you'll be just fine he said putting a towel underneath my butt as he goes to get the water.

Y/n's line: heavily I said while panting.

I'll always protect you no matter what (Vanossgaming x the pregnant reader)Where stories live. Discover now