Ch-7 The confession

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Your POV~

It was the next day and we were playing truth or dare in the living room.

And I also got to know Joe,Mark,Jaren, John,Anthony and Panda who are also YouTubers and they were the last people in the Banana bus squad.

Joe's YouTuber name is Dead squirrel and he has 381K subscribers.

As for Mark Lee Johnson his YouTuber name is Gorillaphant and he has 322M subscribers as for Jaren his YouTuber name is Smii7y and he has 3.25M subscribers as for John his YouTuber name is Kryoz and he has 1.48M subscribers as for Panda his real name is Anthony Brown and his YouTuber name is Bigjiggly and he has 1.72M subscribers and as for the other Anthony his YouTuber name is Chilled Chaos and he had 1.44M subscribers.

When I first met Evan I started to have feeling for Evan but I was too afraid to tell him how I feel so I kept it a secret.

Panda's line:
Hey Y/n.....truth or dare he ask?

Your line:
Umm....truth I said.

Panda's line:
Is it true that you are having triplets he ask? As I nods softly at him.

Your line:
Yes I am.....wait who told you I ask?

Panda's line:
Scotty told me he said smiling softly.

Your line:
Of course he did I whisper softly.

Your line:
Anyway Squirrel truth or dare I ask?

Joe's line:
Dare he said as I think of a dare for him to do and grind evilly looking at him.

Your line:
I dare you to......wear a pink dress until your next turn I said as the crew gasp.

Joe's line:
I will get you back for this he said getting up and going into the bathroom to put on the pink dress.

After a few minutes he comes back wearing the pink dress while blushing with embarrassment as we started laughing at Squirrel.

Joe's line:
It's not funny he said sitting down.

Mark's line:
Aww come on Squirrel I think it's kinda cute on you he said winking at him as Squirrel blushes softly.

Joe's line:
S-shut up Gorilla he said as the laugher died down as Joe looks at me.

Joe's line:
Alright Y/n truth or dare he ask?

Your line:
I'm going for....DARE I said as Joe thinks of a dare for me to do.

He then saw Evan and a small evil like grin started to form on his face making me get kinda scared as he looks at me.

Joe's line:
I...dare take a shower.....with EVAN!! He yells pointing at Evan.

The crew stared in shock as Joe does an evil laugh while me and Evan blush madly red and look at each other.

Joe's line:
Unless you are too chicken to do it then I guess I don't see why you can't do it he said grinning at me and Evan.

Evan line:
Uhhh Y/n are you sure you want to do this he ask? As I just looks at me.

Your line:
We'll do it he said as Evan blush.

Your line:
But you better not go in there while me and Evan are showering together I said glaring at him with anger in my eyes.

Joe's line:
Y-y-yes ma'am he said hiding behind Mark as I grab Evan's hand and went into the bathroom with him.

Evan's POV~

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