Ch-16 A baby wolf?!

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Tyler's POV~ 1:10 Am:

We pull over by the cabin the Evan use to go to when he was little kid as we got out of the car and was about to make our way inside the cabin when........


We heard Y/n scream at the top of lungs and panic struck us wondering if she and Evan were in trouble so we ran inside and barge in the cabin.

Tyler's line:
EVAN!! IS EVERYTHING Al.....I froze standing there with widen open eyes.


Evan was holding a new born baby girl but she look completely different then Oliver and Y/n. The baby girls hair was red and had black raven hair on the top of her head as her skin was pale like Oliver's skin but what took my breath away that's was going to change both Y/n and our life........forever.
She was a wolf.....

Evan's POV~

After Y/n scream one last time her second daughter was successful born.

But I was shock to see that she had wolf like ears and a wolf like tail which made my wonder why her daughter was a wolf and not her siblings but I was too happy to even ask Y/n that.

Evan's line:
You did it babe....oh my god you did it I said holding her daughter in my arms.

I then look up at her and paused seeing that she had her eyes closed and was not responding at all so I check to see if she was breathing and sighed softly.

Evan's line:
You rest now earn it I said pulling a blanket on top of her.

Then I cut the umbilical cord and started cleaning her baby up and went to get a blanket but then realized that I forgot to get another blanket for the last born so I wrap her up in my red jacket and land her right next to her siblings and started watching over them waiting for Y/n to wake up.

??? Line:
E-Evan.....did she? Ask a voice as I turn around to see it was Tyler and Jonathan standing at the door way.

Evan's line:
Yep she did and they are perfectly fine I said looking back at the little ones.

Jonathan's line:
When did they arrive he ask?? Slowly walking up to see the babies.

Evan's line:
Well...this little one on the left arrived around 11:35 Pm and this little guy in the middle arrived around 12:30 Am and this wolf girl on the right arrived around 1:10 I said looking at them.

Jonathan gets down on both knees and looks down at Y/n's children as Tyler walks slowly and lead against the wall.

Jonathan's line:
They're so cute he said as his eyes lighten up making Tyler laugh a little.

Tyler's line:
They sure are adorable he said with a smile on his face as I nodded softly.

Tyler's line: is the last one a wolf he ask? Looking down at the last born.

Evan's line:
I...honestly don't know I said looking at her who was already fast asleep.

Jonathan's line:
Maybe her ancestors we're werewolf's in her past he suggested as we look at him and shrug at him.

Jonathan's line:
Oh look the wolf girl is opening her eyes he said pointing at her as we look at her as she opens her eyes softly.

Evan's line:
Wow I said completely speechless.

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