Ch-21 Can you see me?

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Your POV~

I was in the hospital for about a few days now because of what I am and the results still hasn't be reveal yet.

Until the doctors came back with the results and told me that I was injected with hybrid serum that was supposed to be hidden away in the laboratory.

But my question is how did I get injected by this and why didn't I use this power in the first place when I was with Oliver plus I could've defeated myself without anyone's help but it's already too late for that because now I'm safe and sound from all the danger plus now I'm finally free from Oliver thanks to the mystery woman that save me from getting killed by him along with my children that I gave birth.

I then heard the doors open and saw it was Evan with flowers in his hands.

Evan's line:
Hey Kitty he said putting them next to me on the chair and sat on the bed.

Your line:
Hey there my tough Owl-boy I said as we share a cute little kiss.

Evan's line:
How are the kids doing he ask?? Turning around to look at my children.

Your line:
They are doing just fine I said as he turns his head to look at me.

Evan's line:
So...have you found a place to stay yet he ask?? As I look down at the floor.

Your line:
N-no...not yet I said looking back up at him making him smile softly at me.

Your line:
Why I ask?? As he takes a deep breath and sighed softly looking up at me.

Evan's line:
Oh is that so he ask?? Cuffing my cheek softly as I blush a little looking at him.

Evan's line:
Well I was wondering if you'd like can come live with me he ask??

I look up at him with a shocking expression on my face as my eyes started to tear up along with a smile that form on my face then I hug him.

Your line:
Sure...why the heck not I said as he hugs me back and kisses my head.

Then I heard the triplets started crying again as I groan softly and walk over to them and pick up one of them into my arms as I tried to calm them down.

Evan's line:
Have they been keeping you up lately he ask?? As I nodded softly at him.

Your line:
I tried everything to keep them calm but nothing is working I said rubbing my wolf child on her back softly.

Evan's line:
Well have you tried singing them a lullaby he ask?? Looking over at me as I just shook my head softly.

Evan's line:
Well do you know any lullaby songs he ask? As I once again shook my head.

I then thought really hard and then it hit me this one lullaby the my grandparents use to sing to me when I was a child was You are my sunshine.

Your line:
Well this is the one song that I know I said looking over at him.

Your line:
But do you might if you can sing it with me I ask? As he smiles at me.

Evan's line:
Of course I'll sing it with you he said as he grabs little Vanessa as I put little Victoria on the cradle and pick up little Ethan putting him into my arms.

Evan's line:
So what is this song called he ask?

Your line:
You are my sunshine I said as he froze and turn to look at me.

Evan's line:
My mother use to sing that to me when I was a baby he said as I look up at him.

Your line:
I guess that's something we have in common huh I ask? As he nods at me.

I'll always protect you no matter what (Vanossgaming x the pregnant reader)Where stories live. Discover now