Ch-14 The birth/Part two

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Evan's POV~

After Y/n let out one final scream the first child was successful born.


Evan's line:
You did it.....she finally here I said holding the baby girl in my arms as the baby girl kept on crying loudly.

Y/n's line: she okay she ask? As I smiled softly at her and cut the umbilical cord.

Evan's line:
She's fine don't worry....she breathing okay and there is nothing wrong with her I said cleaning her up and wrapping her up in a purple blanket.

Y/n's line:
C-can I see her she ask? Making me nod softly and help her hold the baby.

I couldn't help but look down at her daughter to see what she looks like.

Her daughter had her H/c and S/c.

I look back at Y/n who had tears of joy in her eyes as she starts crying softly.

Y/n's line:
Oh my god...*HIC*....s-she so beautiful she said holding her close to her chest.

Evan's line:
She as beautiful as her mother I said as she kisses her daughter cheek softly making the baby girl whimper softly before going quiet then open her eyes.

The baby had two purple eyes matching Y/n's eyes then I look up at Y/n and removed that one part of her hair that was blocking her one purple eye and kissed her head softly making her smile softly at me before looking back at her daughter who was already calm down.

She then flinch in pain probably feeling the second born moving down into her abdomen as she started groaning in pain making me look up at her.

Evan's line:
Do you feel like pushing again I ask?? As she nods softly as I sighed softly.

Evan's line:
Let me take her so we can deliver your second born I said as she hands me her daughter then I land her down on the bed and got in between her legs again.

Evan's line:
Okay let's meet your second child shall we I ask? As she nods at me.

Your POV~

Evan's line:
PUSH HONEY!! He yells.

Your line:
NNNGGGHHH!!! HNNNN!!! I push really hard until my face was red as I gripped the blanket tightly until my knuckles started turning white.

Evan's line:
THAT'S IT!! KEEP GOING!! He yells getting his hands and arms ready while the second born made progress.

Your line:
AAAGGGHHH!! I scream collapsing back onto the pillow panting softly.

Your line:
Oh god I can't do this anymore....I just can't I said with tears in my eyes.

Evan's line:
Yes you can I'm not giving up on you not when your really close now he said.

Your line:
I-I don't think I have enough strength left in me I said with my eyes closed.

Evan's line:
Hey......look at me he said in a sweet soothing voice as I look up at him.

Evan's line:
When you got mad and punch Oliver straight in the face that's when I knew how strong you are and you are the strongest girl I've ever met so if you hit your ex-boyfriend then I know you can do this he said kissing me softly.

After hearing that I look deep down inside my heart and knew he was right I was strong and brave so I knew I had to do the same for my babies and had to fight for them then I started to feel brave again and was determined to deliver my children into the world.

Your line:
Thanks Evan I said looking at him.

Then I felt another wave of pain hit and started pushing again gripping the pillow tightly while gritting my teeth.

Evan's line:
That it keep pushing the head is almost out he said as I scream in pain.

Evan's line:
SH*T STOP PUSHING!! He said in a panic so I stop and look at him.

Your line:
W-what's wrong I ask?! Getting worried about the second born.

Evan's line:
It's the's around it's neck he said as fear ran through my body.

Your line:
P-please save my baby I begged as he nods his head softly and try's to remove the umbilical cord from the baby neck but was unsuccessful but he had another idea that would help the baby.

Evan's line:
I can't get the cord off but I have an idea he said looking up at me.

Evan's line:
Alright listen.....your gonna need to push as hard as you can and once when the baby is out then I'll get the cord off. You got that he ask? As I look at him and nodded at him softly.

Your thoughts: baby needs me right now so I have to give it everything I got I said as I waited the contractions to hit.

Once when it did I started pushing with everything I got and then silence hit....

I look up at Evan who unwrapped the umbilical cord but the baby wasn't crying so he tried to get the baby to start crying again and with many attempts he finally got the baby to cry.


Evan's line:
There we go he said cutting the umbilical cord and started cleaning him up then he wraps him up in a blue blanket and hands him to me then I held him close to me chest with tears.

Your line:
Oh thank god your alright my little Ethan I said kissing his forehead softly as he opens his eyes at me and stop crying looking up at me and Evan

Little Ethan had black raven hair with red eyes and had pale skin matching Oliver's every facial detail.

Evan's line:
He's so handsome he said kissing my forehead softly as I smiled softly.

I then flinch again in pain obviously feeling the last born moving down.

Evan's line:
Alright we just got one more child to go he said taking my son and putting him next to my daughter and he got in between my legs again and look at me.

Evan's line:
When you feel your next contraction hit push he said as I nodded softly.

I then felt a contraction and started pushing but for some reason I didn't feel the baby head coming out which got me worried as I look up at Evan who had a worried look on his face.

Evan's line:
Uh-oh he said in a worried way which got me confused and a little worried as thought ran through my head.

What's going on?

Why is Evan so worried now?

What's happening?

To be continued~

Well looks like you were manage to give birth to your daughter and your son. Even though you almost lost your second born but he manage to survive.

But what is wrong with the last born and why is Evan so worried and what's going to happen next?

Find out in the next chapter!!

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