Ch-17 The Inner wolf

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Jonathan's POV~

Evan's line:
Oliver he said glaring at him as Y/n held her wolf daughter close to her.

Tyler's line:
How did you find us he ask?! As I glared at Oliver as he started laughing.

Oliver's line:
That's because I use to go to this place so I can do whatever I want he said walking around the room as two of his crew members followed behind him.

He then heard small wailing sounds as he looks at me and saw my three children then froze seeing that one of my children was a wolf as his eyes widen with disbelief then looks at me.

Oliver's line:
Why is she a wolf he ask?! As fear ran through her body making Y/n hold her daughter closer to her as Vanessa starts to whimper softly hiding herself.

Y/n's line:
I-I don't know......maybe- she started.

Oliver's line:
HOW IS SHE A WOLF!! He yells in rage making the babies cry again.

Tyler's line:
SHE TOLD YOU SHE DOESN'T KNOW YOU F**KING MORON!! He yells as Y/n calm her kids down.

Jonathan's line:
YEAH ARE YOU F**KING DEAF?! I ask as Oliver glares at me and Tyler.

Oliver's line:
First of all I'm not deaf and secondly that little sh*t that she is holding is not my kid...she nothing but a MONSTER!! He yells at me as he points at her.

Then out of nowhere Evan pins him to the wall glaring at him with anger.

Evan's line:
DON'T EVER CALL MY DAUGHTER THAT!! He growled at him as he was ready to punch him in the face.

Oliver's line:
Your daughter he ask?? And laughs.

Oliver's line:
YOUR DAUGHTER he snaps!!! As he pushes Evan off him but I caught him.

Evan's line:
Thanks he said as I just nodded at him.

Oliver's line:
Look Evan just because I'm the father of these mistakes doesn't mean that you can be the father of MY kids he said as Evan just rolled his eyes at him.

Evan's line:
Well if you wanted to be a dad so much then why do you call them mistakes huh he ask?? As Oliver glares at him.

Oliver line:
Okay point taken little brother he said making Evan growl at him.

Evan's line:
You are not my brother and never will be I said and turns to look at Tyler.

Evan's line:
Tyler is.......he does everything that a brother should do unlike you I said.

Tyler's line:
Evan he whispered as I look over to see how speechless he was right now.

Oliver's line:
Is that so he ask?? As he looks back at Oliver with a deep glare.

Evan's line:
Yes he said as a smile forms on his face.

Oliver's line:
Well if you except Tyler as your brother and not me then I guess you can just he started then I noticed him putting his hands in his pocket and slowly pulls out a pocket knife and I knew what he was planning to do with that.

Jonathan's line:
TYLER I yelled!! As I got up from the ground fast and ran to him as he and Evan look over at me with confused.

Oliver's line:
Say GOODBYE TO YOUR PRECIOUS BROTHER he shouts!! As he threw the pocket knife at him but right before it could hit him I push him out of the way and felt a sharp pain in my stomach and look down at my stomach and without thinking I pulled the knife out and started coughing out blood.

Evan's line:
DELIRIOUS!! He yells as darkness started to take over me and started stumbled backwards right to Evan.

Evan's line:
JON PLEASE.....HANG ON....YOU'LL BE OKAY...I PROMISE He yells as Tyler runs right next to me.

My vision was so blurry as my eyes started to close very slowly.

Tyler's line:
JON....DON'T YOU DARE F**KING DIE ON US!! He yells as muffle voice were heard then everything went black.

Tyler's POV~

Evan's line:
DELIRIOUS!! He yells and runs over to him while I sat there with wide eyes and remain there frozen in horror.

But I soon snap out of my shock when I saw Jonathan beginning to stumble backwards and right into Evan's arms.

Evan's line:
JON PLEASE.....HOLD ON.....YOU'LL BE OKAY....I PROMISE!! He yells as I ran over to both Evan and Jon.

Jonathan's line:
JON.....DON'T YOU DARE F**KING DIE ON US!! I yells as Jonathan's eyes finally closed as his body went numb while tears fell down my face as I regretted everything all those things that I had ever said to him.

Tyler's line:
JONATHAN OPEN YOUR EYES PLEASE!! I yells holding him close to him and broke down.

Then the doors open as Brian,Brock, David and the others came inside the cabin as saw Jonathan in my arms.

Luke's line:
DELIRIOUS!! He yells with widen eyes.

Luis's line:
DELIRIOUS NOOO!!! He yells as tears form in his eyes and falls to his knees.

Brock's line:
He ask as he ran up to them.

Evan's line:
OLIVER F**KING STAB DELIRIOUS!! He yells with tears in his eyes.

David's line:
Y-You.....YOU MONSTER!! He yells charging at Oliver but he was kick away by Oliver's crew member as he violently falls backwards and onto Luis.

David's line:
Sorry Lui he said getting up from him.

Luis's line:
It's okay Nogla he said as Nogla helps Lui back up to his feet.

Oliver's line:
ENOUGH OF THIS LETS END THIS NOW!! He yells as his crew nodded at him and was about to get my children when the others tackled them to the ground and Oliver groans to himself.

Oliver's line:
Do I have to do everything myself he said running over to my children and was about to stab them when.......
Oliver fell to the floor clutching his now bleeding eyes as everyone look over at Y/n and stared at her with wide eyes.

Y/n's line:
What she ask? Very confused.

Tyler's line:
Y-you might want to look in the mirror to see for yourself I said pointing at the mirror as she look into it.

She then froze seeing the what we was and we all finally realized why Vanessa was a wolf......
Y/n was a wolf.....

To be continued~


Sorry I just wanna do that......

But anyways yep your a wolf and this also explains why your daughter a wolf.

So the question is what will happen now and what will Oliver do now?

Well what're you waiting for go to the next chapter to find out!!

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