part seventeen

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corbyn: yeah we didn't forget. we'll tell him that too
alex: okay well if y'all wanna call him now then go head. but go somewhere else or i'll get really anxious
zach: okay we'll go to the backyard.
brian: good luck you guys

the boys mine to the backyard n call their manager. while they're on the phone wit him brian, mariah, n i are talking.

brian: wait did y'all ask mama n baba?
alex: oh shit i forgot about that
mariah: i bet they'll allow us. you got a second job as a photographer so they might
brian: n i'll help don't worry
alex: i feel bad for leaving you lil bro. that's if we can move into here
brian: don't feel bad stupid. i'm happy for you n it's apart of life. soon i'll move close to you don't worry.
alex: okayyyyyy.

its been around a half hour n the boys aren't back.

alex: y'all i'm starting to get scared
mariah: i know same. i want to move in the guest house. it's huge.
brian: n y'all would live next to the why don't we boys
alex: that's crazy. i just don't wanna get my hopes up
mariah: me too.
alex: imma go on tiktok. to not be too scared
brian: i'm already doing that.
mariah: imma do that now

we all take out our phones n go on tiktok. i put in my airpods. hey don't judge tiktok is addicting. n yes i do know dances. i know a lot of em actually. so don't laugh.

daniel's pov

we head to the backyard. we make sure the door is closed n zach takes out his phone n calls our manager. then he puts in on speaker. after a few rings, he answers. here goes nothing

manager: what's up y'all?
jack: we have a question?
manager: what is it?
daniel: i met this girl. the girl who found my wallet n she's an amazing photographer.
jonah: we're wondering if she can be our photographer?
corbyn: and if her n her friend can move i it the guest house?
manager: you guys are unpredictable. um about the photographer, i need to see her work to approve. about moving in i don't think that's gonna work
zach: how? that's no fair. come on
manager: why do they need to move into the guest house?
daniel: they have been looking for places to move in together. for years now they haven't found that place. n they have a few months left of college so they're budget is limited.
manager: they're still in college??!
corbyn: mariah is 22 n is a senior. and alex is 21 n a senior.
jonah: just please. n they're really nice. n they won't leak anything. i know they won't
manager: i don't know. they're just random girls at the end of the day
zach:  like how jonah said they're really nice. caring. n they won't leak anything. we all know it. they care about us. they really do
manager: how about i think about it?!
all of em: yes okay yes
manager: but if i don't like her work then none of this is happening
daniel: okay she'll send you sum pictures n you'll see
jack: she's actually good just saying. i'm just saying right
jonah: she is
manager: okay okay okay. i'll be the judge of that. now send me the picture n i'll call you back.
zach: okay byeeee
manager: bye

he ends the call n we jus look at each other

corbyn: do you he'll let em move in?
daniel: probably not but we'll make him
jonah: yeah i really want em to move in next to us
jack: because you jonah like mariah n daniel likes alex
jonah n daniel: what no!!!
zach: okay y'all aren't good at hiding it. daniel you stare at alex 24/7 n always find a way to sit next to her
corbyn: n you jonah you talk about mariah everyday. you stalk her insta n you also stare at her 24/7 so again like how zach said y'all aren't good at hiding it
daniel: shit. okay fine. i do like alex. but something happened wit her last ex boyfriend n now she has trust issues
zach: ugh i feel bad. did she tell you what happened?
daniel: no. she doesn't know if she can trust me just yet. she's scared. i guess whatever happened was really bad n serious. when she talked about her ex she looked like she was gonna freak out in the car
jack: ugh that's the worst. n what's worse is that you want to be there for her but she doesn't know if you are genuine.
jonah: something really bad must have happened for her to be that broken you know.
daniel: yeah. i told her that i'll be here for her no matter what the situation is or what time. i know we met em yesterday but i feel so connected to her n i care so much
jonah: that's how i feel wit mariah. she's so funny but ugh she's just amazing. she's exactly what i look for in a girl. literally her.
corbyn: our boys are in loveeeeee
daniel: okay hey don't make a big deal of it.
jack: now we just need a to get zach a girlfriend n then we'll all be taken.
jonah: well we aren't taken yet
zach: n i'll get a girlfriend don't worry. maybe mariah has a little sister. you don't know
jonah: then ask her
zach: no i'm scared
daniel: ehm pussy ehm
zach: shut the fuck up daniel. at least i don't stalk a girl's insta when she's right in our house.

jonah takes my phone n it opens up to alex's insta. everyone just laughs. i take my phone back from jonah

daniel: okay guys stop. i just want to be there for her but i want her to open it.
corbyn: n that's gonna take time
daniel: i know that.

alex is good at photography and singing, i wanna be like her 🙄

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