part nineteen

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daniel's pov

jack takes alex's macbook n heads to the backyard so we follow him. zach facetimes our manager after like 5 rings, he answers. finally

managed: what took you guys that long?
daniel: alex had to get her laptop from her car
manager: whatever i don't care. show me the pictures

zach flips the camera to face her laptop n jack starts going through all her pictures that she took. he has no facial expressions so i don't know what he thinks. so i'm scared. like hella scared. it's been like 10 minutes n we finally finished showing him all her pics. jack closes her laptop n gives it to me to hold it. zach flips the camera back to us n we wait for him to say something.

corbyn: so what do you think?
manager: okay she's not bad. she knows how to work the camera
jonah: what does that mean?
manager: she can be your photographer

we all silently cheer

daniel: okay but what about em moving in to the guest house?
manager: i don't know about that. i still have to think about it.
jack: well maybe think about it now
manager: not with that attitude.
daniel: just please. we really like em. they're nice n won't do anything to hurt our name.
jonah: we promise.

he takes a couple of minutes to take in everything we said.

manager: i can't believe i'm saying this but yes they can move in
zach: wait really?!?
manager: yes now end the call before i change my mind

zach ends the call n we look at each other in shock. we didn't not think he was gonna em move in.

i'm so happy right now. that means imma see alex everyday now. that's even better. oh my god i can't. yayayayay.

daniel: that really just happened
jonah: yeah it did
corbyn: i can't believe that worked
jack: i was for sure he was gonna say no
daniel: wow. i still can't believe it.
zach: aweeeee. jonah n daniel are blushing. they get to see em everyday now.
daniel: bitch you just read my mind
jonah: same wit me ahaha
jack: aweeeee they're happy about this
corbyn: all of us are. they're jus extra happy.
jonah: yeah we are haha

we just laugh n we head back inside. we open the door quietly to scare em because we're bored n yeah. we close the door n head back in tip toeing. then i hear brian n alex saying "we know we're right". i stop everyone n tell em to shush. jack starts to whisper

jack: isn't bad to listen into their conversation?
daniel: yeah but i want to know what they're talking about
zach: i wanna know too but it feels wrong
daniel: it's up to you jonah
jonah: why me?
daniel: you're the oldest duh
jonah: fine. um i wanna know too because i'm nosy but we'll never speak of this to them or to anyone else. not a single soul except us. okay? got it?
everyone: got it

we listen in to their convo. i hear alex voice pop up n say "okay yes i do wanna talk to him n open up but what if he turns out to be a dick about it or gets annoyed?" is she talking about me? then mariah says "alex. i think daniel has the right intentions with you n seems genuine. i know he really likes you n i for sure know you really like him but you're scared. you need to open up to him especially what happened wit you know who if you wanna get closer wit him". i look at the boys n our mouths are wide open

so now she knows i like her but i know that she likes me. she's just scared to open up. her ex must've messed her up badly. i feel bad but i really wanna know what happened. because i am a nosy person.

alex asked em when she should tell me n mariah tells her when alex is ready. which is true. alex says "yeah okay. i get it. i'll try."

wow i'm seriously speechless. i whisper to the boys

daniel: remember do not tell anyone anything about this expect us okay
zach: got it.
daniel: okay lets go to em.

i take a deep breathe in then release it out. then we head to em.

alex: oh we didn't hear y'all close the door. did y'all hear anything firm out convo?

okay no. just say "no" it's not hard daniel.

daniel: uh no we didn't.
alex: okay good. so what happened? any good news??
daniel: well first here's your macbook back.
alex: oh thanks
daniel: yeah no problem

end pov

the boys are just staring at me n mariah n brian

brian: dude jus spill already
jonah: okay well good news is that alex is now our new photographer.
alex: oh my god yayaya. i'm so happy.
mariah: you got your dream job yayayay
zach: what does she mean by dream job?
alex: when i first discovered you guys i dreamt about meeting y'all n being yalls photographer
jack: well now you're dream came true. i'm so happy for you
daniel: we all are so happy for you. n i'm proud of you. seriously
alex: thank you that means a lot coming from y'all. seriously
mariah: okay wait you guys said good news. is there any bad news about anything else?

they just look at us looking sad.

dude i'm getting scared. noooo. there's bad news. i don't like that. i don't like this at all.

they just keep looking at us n i'm getting more n more anxious by every seconds.

brian: dude just tell us. i can't handle this anymore.
jonah: okay fine
corbyn: it's about you guys moving in
alex: okay what about it?? y'all are scaring me
daniel: okay so...

i'm even scared 🧍🏽‍♀️🧍🏽‍♀️

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