part twenty two

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mariah n i look at our parents n give em the look. the puppy look. my mom n dad take a good look at the boys n then a good look at me.

baba: can we see the house?
daniel: of course. let's go now!

we all get up n head to the guest house. while walking to the house i ask my parents something

alex: so what do y'all think of the boys?
mama: they seem nice
alex: i told you they are. how about you baba?
baba: you know how i feel about boys
alex: i know but that's not what i'm asking baba. i feel like i can really trust em n brian feels like that n so does mariah.
baba: okay they are really nice n they clean up well
alex: thank you baba.
baba: yeah whatever

we make it to the house n corbyn unlocks it n we head in. all i'm doing is looking at my parents n seeing their reactions. as what u can tell their faces, they love the house. we covered the first floor n the backyard n now we are showing them our future rooms hopefully. soon we finish showing them the whole house. then we meet up back in the living room of the guest house.

zach: we will give you some privacy to talk about it. if you need us we'll be in the backyard
mariah's mom: okay thank you guys

the boys head out n close the door behind em. then my mom starts to speak up.

mama: first of all this house is absolutely stunning. i love it
mariah's mom: me too. it's really big. honestly i'll just move in
mariah: haha mom
baba: okay let's bring the focus back
alex: sorry. so first of all the boys are really nice like ask brian
brian: yeah they are super nice, funny, genuine n we can trust em. trust me on that one
baba: i don't know. again they're still boys
alex: but they're not like him
mama: yeah honey i can tell they won't do that stuff you know
mariah's mom: yeah i can tell too
alex: see baba. i'm not trying to pressure you guys but this is a really good offer. n i got a job as their personal photographer like wow
mama: n we are all proud of you for that i just don't know if this. moving into this house is the right move
mariah: with all due respect mama i think it is. it's closer to our college n alex's work. n it'll be easy to do stuff in this home like it's huge.
alex: n you guys can visit us anytime. we're not that far from home. please just really think about this
mariah's mom: here's my input. i do think this is a good. moving here. finding new friends n you guys have a few months of college left n you want to surround yourself wit people you love n things you like so i say that mariah can move into this amazing house.
mariah: really mom?!? oh my gosh thank you

mariah hugs her mom so tightly. you can practically see the joy coming out of her body as she does a little victory dance. then she stops immediately when she realizes that i'm waiting on my parents' answer.

alex: so?
mama: i think that yes you can move into here
alex: baba?
baba: i agree. i'm so happy for you alex n you mariah. it just hurts when you're fully grown up. i was scared for you moving out ugh i'm sorry.

he started to cry n that's when you hug your mom n dad saying thank you a million times. you let go of em n face both of em

alex: i'll always be the little girl you had years ago. i mean i still do act like a little kid
mariah: she's right. she does.
alex: n like i said come visit us anytime n any day
baba: okay baby

we hug again n my dad whispers to me.

baba: i think daniel likes you
alex: i know he does baba
baba: do you like him?
alex: i don't know yet
baba: well i think he's a good guy
alex: thank you baba. that helps me
baba: of course baby

i let go of our hug. i smile at my dad

alex: i'll go get the boys

i start walking to the backyard n i see the boys running around n wasting time until we finished talking. it looks like they're playing tag. i was always the best at tag when i was little. n i bet i still am. see this is the little kid. n i'm still 21 years old haha. i open the door n i hear them yelling n cheering n just having fun. i run up to daniel n jump on his back. surprisingly he catches me be adjusts me so we're both comfy.

daniel: any good news?!?
alex: it looks like y'all have to go inside to find out.
corbyn: lets goooooooooo

i'm still on daniel's back but we all head back inside. we make it to the living room n our parents. my dad gives me a questionable look because i'm wit daniel n on his back. i just smile back at my dad who just laughs back at me. i hop down off of daniel n head back to mariah n everyone else

jack: so did you guys get to a final decision?
mariah's mom: yes and
mama: we will let them move in

the boys start cheering n daniel comes up to me n hugs me tightly. saying how happy he is right now. n that he can't wait to see what will come when we're all moved in n settled in. after everyone calms downs i go to hug mariah's mom too. then my dad had an important question.

baba: when can they move in?

i'd move in right away tbh

"i'm sorry"// daniel seavey Where stories live. Discover now