The Hunted

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Keith left the Castle with the Black Lion in a rush to find Lotor. He had placed a tracking device on his ship so we knew where he was going. But my scar began to burn again, this was not going to be a good mission

We flew to a far planet similar to Saturn with its large ring around it. The planet was rocky with plenty of the craters on its surface.

"Lotor's cruiser is on the other side of the planet." Pidge informed us. "Qt our current rate of speed, we'll be within attack range in an hour."

"Good. Hold formation." Keith responded.

"Keith, maybe this isn't such a good idea." I said, "Most of our team are in new lions they're not used to. I think we should go back."

"Saoirse, trust me on this. If we stop Lotor here and now, we won't have to worry about another ruler like Zarkon." Keith said.

His logic was half through out. He didn't have a plan to attack, all the plan was is attack the cruiser. Not to mention we didn't have a single clue on how our new enemy would attack. We were clueless.

An hour passed and we finally spotted Lotor's cruiser. Suddenly, the Blue Lion bumped into the Yellow Lion.

"Oh! Apologies, Hunk!" Allura shouted.

"Mm, okay, I know Saoirse already put this out there, but is attacking right now such a good idea?" Hunk asked, "Like she said, some of us are not so great with our lions."

"Do you mean me, specifically?" Allura asked in an accusing and annoyed tone.

"You? No. No way, I didn't-- I'm just simply pointing out that half of the team are in new lions. Maybe now's not a great time to bite off more than we can chew."

"You can blame our hot-headed leader for that one. He won't even listen to his girlfriend!" Lance shouted.

I flet the heat rush to my cheeks.

"Saoirse is not my girlfriend!" Keith shouted back then sighed angrily, "First, you want me to lead, and then you complain about how I do it. Like I said before, Prince Lotor is the heir to the Galra throne. We could end his reign right now."

The Red Lion flew off behind the Black Lion.

"Allura, you doing okay in Blue?" Lance asked.

"I'm fine." Allura answered, "I've been flying the Castle for half my life. I just need a few ticke to adjust to the lion."

"Good.. because we're going in." Keith said before we came closer to Lotor's cruiser.


We stayed in space near an abandoned planet waiting to make our move. I knew the Lions had planted a tracker on my ship, all I had to do was wait for them to come to me.

The ship beeped repeatedly and the screens showed the six lions flying towards us.

"The lions will be on us in one varga. What are your orders?" Acxa asked me.

"I say we turn around and start shooting." Zethrid suggested.

I clasped my hands in front of me and leaned forward thinking of our next move.

"We just learned that all six lions are operational. There's still much we don't know." I stood up, "Keep the cruiser on this heading until my return. Ready my fighter. I'm going to attack the lions myself."

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