xiii. The Sadists

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Adolpha Blackwood watched with strange, confused fascination as the devilishly black eyes of Caius Volturi pooled with a startling, vibrant red once more. Frowning, her hand involuntarily reached up and he watched it with caution until her fingertips were inches from his face. At this point, his hand shot up like a pale lightning bolt and grabbed her wrist easily in his cold one. The feel of the warmth in her skin seemed to shoot the sensation right the way through his body as he pinned her wrist down easily.

"Don't touch me" he breathed.

"Why not?"

"Because I am married." Caius blinked and it wasn't the response that she had expected from him.

"You're the one lying on top of me, Caius" she reminded and he smirked as his eyes scanned over their compromising position. Humming in soft acknowledgement- he hopped off in the next moment and was gone in a flash, perching himself calmly on the desk a few feet away. Adolpha breathed to calm herself, eyes closed for a second before she pulled herself to sit also, allowing her legs to slide off of the side of the bed as she watched him with a clear gaze. "Do you plan on staying with your wife?"

"Why wouldn't I?" his eyes were clear and she knew from the slight upturn of his lips that he wanted her to be jealous, he wanted the situation to affect her and so naturally, in Adolpha's stubborn fashion- She pretended not to be.

"You are the one making promises to a random woman you only just met"

"But you aren't any random woman, are you, Adolpha? You're my soulmate."

"You're giving me whiplash, Caius. You're bipolar or something. I don't know what you want." the brunette sighed in resignation as she looked down at her tanned hands- allowing the composed confidence to slip for just a second. Caius and Adolpha were running in circles; both too cowardly and self-respecting to say the things that they truly wanted to say.

"Oh, I know Love. But I am very much enjoying watching you twist yourself into a pretzel trying to understand. Don't you see, Adolpha? It's all a game to me, everything is a game to someone as old as I am. What other amusement is there?" he beamed, side smirk fully back in place and she frowned as she tried to come to grips with what he was saying. Caius was telling her that he was just playing her, but she couldn't help but still want to be around him. She couldn't help the attraction and the need to be close to him, even now that she knew he truly didn't care.

"And how do you win?"

"Maybe you cannot win" he returned, eyebrow raised though face and voice otherwise passive. "Maybe all the stakes are pitted against you and you will lose either way. But I just absolutely adore watching you play."

"And what is the prize?" she continued, watching as he stood and made his way calmly to the window to look out of it with a clear gaze.

"Well, I am of course. You want what Athenodora has."

"And what if I don't? What if I have no interest in your game? What if I don't want you? What if I am happy with you and Athenodora living your perfect little princess story?" she decided, making her way calmly toward him. The truth was that she did care, she did want all of those things. She wanted him and she would do whatever it took to get him- even play his childish games. Because that's how the imprint bond did to her, it made her want him and no matter what she did, she couldn't get him out of her mind. And he knew that.

"Then that would make you exceptionally boring, Little Wolf. And boring is one thing I would not call you" he returned, turning to her and assessing her where she stood, his arms folded calmly behind his back as he did so. Even now, after speaking to him and slowly getting to know him; Adolpha Blackwood couldn't work him out. And she knew why she had so much of an interest in his game. Because she was bored. She had lived for almost one hundred years and she needed excitement. He was the excitement she had been waiting so hopelessly for.

"Maybe" Adolpha breathed, stalking closer and his head unconsciously tilted. "I am playing a game too. One that you are already losing"

"What would I win from this game?" he returned.

"Maybe there is no prize." she rose an eyebrow. "And I am enjoying watching you twist yourself into a pretzel trying to find one. Maybe I have you jumping through hoops already and you haven't even noticed. What if I'm not some innocent little wolf? And I roll my eyes because I know the consequence. Maybe I truly don't care. And I have been telling you the truth all along? But you're too deluded into thinking that I do... Because you want me to?" she reused his words. "Maybe I am going to make you fall in love with me... Just so I can see you fall." she shook her head, a small smile on her face as she saw the calculated look on his.

"Then it just makes you even more curious, Miss Blackwood. And it begs the question... What is it you truly desire? Do you desire to play the game? Or do you wish to be the game?" Caius queried, closing the space between them so they were almost toe to toe.

"I don't want anything Caius. But I am stuck here for eternity. So why not make it interesting?"

"You're just as evil as I am"

"Fate drew us together for a reason."

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