xv. The Brother

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Adolpha sighed in annoyance as she raced Felix along corridors, the man moving faster than her eyes could comprehend as she sped in a bid to keep him in sight. In the labyrinth of the castle; she knew she would get lost in a second if she allowed Felix to escape her sights. It was her third week in the castle and the first day since arriving that she had seen anyone other than Caius. The two of them were both still playing their own little games with each other but currently; they were finding it quite enjoyable.

When the bright sunlight of the outside world hit her face, Adolpha blinked in surprise. Aside from her balcony- The little wolf hadn't been outside in a very long time and so when Felix directed her calmly along the garden path; she followed happily.

"Adolpha" Aro breathed in excitement, his voice chilled but childish in a way that only be could be. The man made his way swiftly toward her through the flowerbeds and grabbed her hand smoothly, tugging it into the loop of his own. The brunette stuttered for a second in slight shock but didn't protest as he began to pull her along with him down the path. "How have you been my dear? It feels like an age since Caius has allowed us to see you."

"...He's the reason I wasn't allowed out?" she skipped the previous question and she knew for a fact that Aro was reading her mind smoothly as they walked. Aro's red eyes glinted as they trailed over her body where she currently wore one of Caius' hoodies- something she was shocked yet pleased to find in her wardrobe. And a pair of leggings which had mysteriously appeared, folded neatly in her bedroom that morning. On her feet, she wore the only pair of trainers she had brought with her.

"Why yes, Caius has become very protective of his little wolf." Aro beamed. "He wanted you to get settled before we saw you."

"And he is letting me out now?"

"No" Aro mused with a proud smile. "I just stole you away. Though I'm certain he will get over it" he chuckled icily and Adolpha could not help the accompanying giggle that came along with it. "How has it been? Living with him? He visits you every day?"

"Aro, we both know that you already know the answers" she smirked and he chuckled.

"I do, I just thought I'd be polite" he beamed, tapping her hand gently. "You and he are playing something of a game? A game that has no rules, no guidelines or prizes?" Aro chuckled. "How... Interesting."

"That isn't really the word I would use. I don't know what we're doing. He doesn't either." she huffed.

"Oh, Adolpha dear. Caius knows exactly what he is doing. My brother is incredibly intelligent. He is trying to get closer to you... Without making it seem like he cares. He's trying to be with you and Athenodora at the same time. That is the game and he is most definitely winning." Aro informed her, answering many questions she had had over the past few weeks.

"I don't want to be some toy, Aro" she huffed and the raven-haired king beamed.

"Marvellous, I do love it when people defy my brother" he giggled, a sound that unnerved Adolpha slightly. "You're making it too easy for him to get what he wants, Dear One. You need to, as the humans say... Play 'Hard to get', my brother loves nothing more than a challenge. You're the biggest mystery he has ever had. In not being willing to bend to his will- you are just making him more and more interested in you. People do truly want what they can't have. He doesn't understand you and he is genuinely beginning to believe that you don't care. Which means you're getting the advantage." Aro beamed.

"I don't know whether I want to play these games anymore, Aro. It's exhausting. I am getting to the point where I genuinely don't care." she huffed.

"Now I know from your thoughts that that certainly is not true. The full moons approach is making you ill?" Aro frowned, turning to look at her from where he had been assessing the flowers around them.

"Yes, it always does. We are slaves to the moon, it's approach weakens and makes up ill. Though when it does inevitably arrive- we become our strongest. Though only for a night. Have you heard from my brother?"

"Yes, he checked in to see if you were okay and I assured him that everything was well. It was then that he reminded me of the moon. We have a room in the dungeons set aside for you." Aro informed softly, as though talking to a wounded child and she nodded, smiling softly.

"Do me a favour and keep Athenodora away. I can't promise I won't tear her limb from limb" Adoplha frowned.

"Don't you worry dear. She will be far out of reach."

"Does she know about me?"

"She does, she knows that you are Caius' soulmate. We thought it wrong to tell her that you were also a werewolf. She already hates you enough." he sighed. "She threw a chair at Caius" he chuckled and Adolpha beamed.

"I'm starting to like her more and more." the wolf sarked.

"Athenodora has a long-running feud with children of the moon. They once attempted to kill her, that is why she refuses to leave the castle- even when prompted to. And it is also why Caius hates wolves so much... Or at least, he did." the leading king explained softly and she listened to every word. It was very rare that she even saw someone other than Caius, let alone got the chance to speak to them.

"He really loves her, doesn't he?" Adolpha sighed and Aro smiled sadly.

"He does... But he is growing to love you too, Adolpha."

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