xxi. The Heartbroken

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The second Caius left the room, it seemed to drop by ten degrees and Adolpha instantly wished that she hadn't said what she said. If she had just continued how they were, they could have been joking and teasing one another right now but instead, she was left miserable but she could only blame herself for it. As Adolpha sat there, she drew her legs upwards into her chest and she knew the mistake that she had made; she had asked him to choose too soon.

Rejection was a sickening, painfully agonising feeling. She hated it. In fact, as she sat there and held her legs to her chest, sobbing into her knees, angry at herself for her own reaction- she figured that rejection was the thing that she hated the most. Somewhat angrily, she stormed to Caius' wardrobe, knowing for a fact that he wouldn't be there and she peeled the red dress off and threw one of his shirts on. She knew that she was being stupid but she was in too much pain to care- she just wanted to get out of that stupid dress. Adolpha had caused all her own pain and now she was paying the consequence.

Nothing ever worked out like it did in fairytales, she should've known from the start that vampire King, Caius Volturi would never choose her- The werewolf Beta, over his wife of two thousand years and it just angered her now that she had done what she did. It was too late to take any of it back now. Collapsing into the bed that he had provided her, she blinked at the rose-covered ceiling and it slowly began to swim out of vision as her tears grew.

All she longed for at that moment was to be lying on his chest once more, his hand running through the tangles of her hair easily. Or maybe even playing chess with him would be enough. Anything. She needed a lot of things right then but he was in all of the scenarios and as she clutched her arms around her for comfort- she truly realised the severity of what she had done. Caius was a good man, as much as he wanted her to believe that he was evil and he had done what everyone would expect him to. Caius stayed loyal to his wife at the time when it was most important and that made all the infidelity pale in comparison.

Her brain- in its sadness- tried to jump through hoops to explain the pain that it was experiencing and it tried desperately to make her hate him if only that would make it hurt any less. Maybe this was all a part of the plan all along, a long con. Maybe they had planned it before they even arrived in the forest and her imprinting was all a convenient happenstance. Aro had said before, to Conri, that they had originally intended to come for a wolf for a vampire to impregnate. Such impregnation would kill the wolf- it would have killed a human, and wolves don't have the privilege of being turned by vampire venom, it was merely poison to them. So perhaps, she had been the intended target.

The Volturi were certainly smart enough to know that no wolf would sacrifice herself for a hybrid baby. So they swindled her into having one and they'd played the games with her ever since. For their own enjoyment. Maybe Athenodora was Caius' true mate. And perhaps the baby would be there's. It would seem to make sense that Caius would let her down easily, seeing as though he was yet to get a child from her... It was a very wild assumption, but one that her sadness couldn't exactly deny. She was just adding things to her own sadness but it seemed appropriate as she cried for the first time since arriving in Italy.

She cried for everything at that moment, she cried for herself, for having to leave her home and those she had run alongside for the past hundred years. And she cried from the heartbreak that she had experienced in that night alone. She told herself that she wouldn't be affected by anything that happened with Caius, that she wouldn't let him get to her and break her spirit but now as she considered it; she was completely crushed.

It was hard to say when exactly he had grown to mean everything to her.

It hurt, how she had managed to self destruct everything on her own accord and she wanted a distraction from it all but as she lay there, watching the stars through the window-- The girl had neglected to close the curtains again- she could do nothing at that moment but wallow in her own self-pity.

Adolpha hated herself for how much she cared but she knew that if Caius came walking through the door right then and told her he had made a mistake- she would forgive him in an instant, even if she once promised to be stubborn and strong against what he wanted. It was going to be a long century, that much was certain especially now that she could do nothing but live in the castle and dream of a better life. It was strangely amusing, the idiotic fairytale situation she had gotten herself into but they were the modern-day Romeo and Juliet. He was the vampire king, the sworn enemy and she was the werewolf princess, now locked away in a tower for all of eternity.

End of part 1.

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