xviii. The Hard To Get

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Caius frowned as he sat in one of the armchairs in his personal library, a book open on his lap though he ignored it as he watched her. Adolpha was lounging lazily across a couch with her own book in her hands. For the past few days, on his visits to her- she had hardly said two words to him and he was instantly suspicious. He couldn't fathom what had changed and it was driving him crazy.

"Can I help you?"

"You're acting weird. Why are you acting weird?" he demanded, placing the book easily on the table beside him as he leant forward in his seat, placing his hand on his chin in contemplation. It was as if they had gone backwards, even further back then they had been at the day of the full moon though now he just believed that her niceness on that day was down to her being ill.

"I'm not acting weird, you are." she deadpanned.

"What? How am I being weird?" he frowned.

"You're being all... Insecure and starey" Adolpha frowned, eyebrow raised and he glared in response. The truth was that she was clearly getting to him. Caius had shown more emotion in the last five seconds than he had portrayed for the entire time since she had first arrived in Volterra Italy. Adolpha found it very interesting to behold. It would seem that Aro was correct. "Play chess with me" she stated and he blinked, frowning.

"You're giving me whiplash, Adolpha"

"Oh, a bit like you then" she beamed as she slid onto the floor beside the low table and began to place the pieces in their correct locations on the board with a small hum to herself as she did so and a smile on her lips.

"Oh, I see what you're doing" he chuckled and she rose an eyebrow. "You've been talking to Aro, haven't you?"

"You know I have" she shook her head laughing. "Because I met him a few days ago and we went for a nice walk through the grounds. The first time I have been able to see the world since you locked me in here like some weird-ass princess story."

"If you want to see the world," he said the last word while making quotation marks in the air as he watched her set up the board. "All you have to do is ask."

"Can I see the world?" she asked instantly and Caius smirked at her.

"When the time is convenient for me" the king decided, sighing in annoyance as he joined her on the rug, watching as she took the first move before he followed without a second thought.

"Do you take Athenodora outside?" Adolpha queried as she watched the game with intent eyes.

"What is your obsession with asking questions about her?" he tsked as he continued to play. It was as if he wasn't even thinking about it though she knew that he was. Caius wouldn't like to get showed up- Especially by her.

"Well" Adolpha sighed as she took one of his pieces calmly. "You're my soulmate and you're married to her. Forgive my curiosity" she sarked.

"No, I do not take Athenodroa outside. She wouldn't do so even if I offered." Caius returned and Adoplha hummed as she leant her chin on her hand, elbow perched on the edge of the coffee table as she watched him with clear chocolate brown orbs.

"Because she's afraid off the big bad wolf"

"So you have been brushing up on your facts, hmm? Interested in me are you?" Caius winked and she grinned back innocently- surprising him for the hundredth time that day.

"Not you. Her."


"I am brushing up on Athenodora facts so that when I finally get my hands on her, I can break her spirit before I burn her alive" Adoplha stated calmly and his eyes flashed up to her as he laughed in slight shock.


"Well, we both agree that we hate each other, I might as well plan all the possible ways to cause you pain seeing as though I'm stuck with you for eternity and can't hurt you" Adolpha informed as she assessed the board. "Check"

"What?" he snapped, eyes flashing over to the board and scanning it with intense eyes to find out that she was completely correct. Caius was appalled that he had been beaten by a 100 hundred-year-old wolf. He was an ancient vampire who had been playing chess since its invention. And he had lost... To her. "You distracted me!"

"Maybe" she shrugged as she leant back, flopping off of her knees to sit and stare at him. Caius narrowed his red eyes into deathly slits as he glared at her.

"You're playing a very dangerous game, Adolpha" he breathed out.

"Possibly" she mused, twirling his king piece around in her hands calmly and he was instantly hypnotised by the action. "But then... Nothing ever seems to come of my dangerous game does it. You just give me cuddles when I'm ill and call me all the pretty pet names." she mocked and Caius glared at her.

"Careful, Dog. My patience is wearing thin."

"How utterly intriguing. I can't wait to see what you're going to do. Glare me to death?" she laughed, aware of how angry she was and originally- that anger had scared her. But there had been an absence of any real punishment which caused her confidence to grow by the day.


"Caius" she beamed innocently and he instantly jumped to his feet and stormed off- successfully abandoning the situation. Adolpha wouldn't let anyone know how she felt, in one hundred years she had got much better at hiding her feelings and she listened to her brother when he told her not to change who she was. And who she was was a stubborn, jokering female with a sexy attitude.

Internally, she was growing more and more tired of their games every day, she just wanted to follow him and slam their lips together right then and there... She wouldn't give him that satisfaction.

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